Orionae VI

by Meark
created May 22, 2015
748 views | 947 downloads

/ 32 votes

/ 14 votes

map notes
Intended music: [Insert favorite EDM song here]

So I meant to publish yesterday on my birthday as my gift to you guys, but my computer failed to turn on so here it is. :3
The first in the Intergalactic series. Look out for Hyades Aldebaran sometime in the future. I know this map was supposed to be in the other map pack, but I couldn't decide on what I wanted to do with it and decided to make an Abyss-esque map. I apologize to those who get lag. D: It's probably not that fun gameplay wise, but I put a lot of work into this map so hope you enjoy.


said May 22, 2015
Sorry for the reupload. had to change something super fast that bugged me.
said May 22, 2015
Holy shit! This is so pretty.

The signs with matt's face on it caught me off guard.
said May 22, 2015
Thanks. Took forever to get the look I wanted but I'm happy with the final product. :D

Haha Remember, Matt is always watching.
edited May 22, 2015
said May 23, 2015
"I have done my best to convince our benefactors that you are the finest the species has to offer." -Matt
Shin Rekkoha
said May 22, 2015
There is never going to be a day when a Meark map doesn't make me happy.  Man I love lab tiles.

I checked out all the signs.  The apple sign is a double meaning in this game.
edited May 22, 2015
said May 22, 2015
Thanks Shin <3 Gotta love them tiles.
Shin Rekkoha
said May 27, 2015
Meark, it would make me very happy to get art feedback from you on this map:  http://atlas.dustforce.com/5012/azure-valley

Every time I tried to think about ways to cover layer 20 and the parallaxing background layers in more props, it always got too busy or just didn't look good.  Meanwhile, the prop density in your maps (like this one) is exponentially higher, but you always find a way to make it work.
said May 22, 2015
This is great! <3
said May 22, 2015
Thank you Magnet!! <3
said May 22, 2015
beautiful map :)
said May 23, 2015
Thanks Sivade. I'm glad you liked it. :D
said May 22, 2015
i sorta found it hard to see dust at first, but i got used to it pretty quickly, very colorful map, looks great as always. nice work meark
said May 23, 2015
Thanks Bird.  I was hoping there wouldn't be any visibility issues with the dust and tried using the one that would be easily seen and thought the green slime and dark tile contrast was best. Glad to hear it wasn't a big problem.
said May 22, 2015
You have an amazing talent, you should get a job doing like this.
said May 23, 2015
Thanks. I really feel like I've honed my map decorating skills and bringing life into the worlds i create. Getting a job doing something like this would be cool, but does that even exist? o:
said May 24, 2015
It's called art direction and level design.
said Jul 30, 2015
Do that, I want your art in my video games.
said May 22, 2015
It's finally here :D
Awesome work man! The cyberpunk theme is perfectly made...best use of Matt in the game, beautiful.
Shin Rekkoha
said May 23, 2015
My name is also... Matt.
said May 23, 2015
Hahaha Thanks! I like using the Matt prop for billboards and signs. It fits perfectly to me.
said May 23, 2015
All the best Meark (=
said May 23, 2015
Thank you Superkid! :3
said May 23, 2015
Can't decide if reminds me more Ghost in Shell or Blade Runner.

Really impressive every time  I play one of your maps I cant believe how pretty it is.
edited May 23, 2015
said May 23, 2015
Thank you. :D I was aiming towards more of a Blade Runner kinda look.

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