Virtual Nexus

by DustingForce
created Aug 30, 2014
1272 views | 792 downloads

/ 26 votes

/ 16 votes

virtual nexus

map notes
New Virtual Nexus! Contains six never before seen maps:  Traksu Lita 0061 by Furkiepurkie, Greuin by Jvcpro, Crystal Citidel by Towelie, Platzhalter by Superkid, The Yellow Map by Calistus, and Phthalo by Tropicallo. We hope you enjoy this new nexus!

Thanks to Krankdud the nexus now behaves like a nexus! Thanks Krank!

Instructions written by Inane:
Download .7z file ("Virtual Nexus Files.7z")
Extract all files into dustforce\content\levels2\ without the folder (backup & replace nexusv3 when asked)
Launch game and navigate to a new door in the main nexus above (left of X-difficults nexus pipe)

Virtual Nexus Files:

For those of you who want the link here are the leaderboards:
edited Sep 3, 2014


said Aug 30, 2014
said Aug 30, 2014
Felt like the description was kind of confusing so wrote my own instructions

Download the level on this Atlas page "Install Only"
Exit game
Download .7z file ("Virtual Nexus Files.7z")
Extract all files into dustforce\content\levels2\ without the folder (backup & replace nexusv3 when asked)
Manually navigate to dustforce\user\levels\ and move "Virtual-Nexus-3671" to dustforce\content\levels2\ and remove "-3671" in the filename and the hyphen inbetween so the file name reads "Virtual Nexus" (space inbetween)
Launch game and navigate to a new door in the main nexus above (left of X-difficults nexus pipe)
edited Aug 30, 2014
said Aug 30, 2014
Thanks Inane! I was pressed for time so I kinda rushed through the instructions. I updated with your instructions :D
said Aug 30, 2014
whoops seems I overlooked a step but I updated it accordingly. Please update!

Also really like the first 3 maps so far.
said Aug 30, 2014
damn phthalo is hard
said Aug 30, 2014
is citadel supposed to be misspelled
Probably not Towelie
said Aug 30, 2014
yes and no, i put it in as that at first checked it before I uploaded and decided not to change it
said Aug 30, 2014
i c i c
said Aug 30, 2014
Love all the maps, it was a lot of fun.

Thanks to everyone that contributed, and thanks for letting me contribute to this project.
said Aug 30, 2014
said Aug 30, 2014
said Aug 30, 2014
So much yes
said Sep 1, 2014
oh my...
said Aug 30, 2014
is the nexus itself supposed to behave like a level? it asks me to choose a character when i teleport into it and there's a combo timer ticking in the bottom left. also, if i choose "exit level" while playing one of these VN levels, i go all the way back to the stock nexus.

is that supposed to happen?
said Aug 30, 2014
Unfortunately it was not made in one of the other nexus files so it doesn't behave like a nexus so yes and no again.
said Aug 30, 2014
this is awesome!
Probably not Towelie
said Aug 30, 2014
Ok that's the last time I'm grinding Phthalo, sheesh
said Aug 31, 2014
Sorry Towelie :P
Probably not Towelie
said Aug 31, 2014
I'm not even mad, I didn't think it was possible with worth when I tried him so nice work
Sir Useless
said Aug 31, 2014
This is so sick! :D
said Aug 31, 2014
Really cool! Great maps also.
said Aug 31, 2014
Aww man. The nexus and all the maps are great. Even though I was doing another level to fit the virtual-theme better. The name of my level wasn't final too haha. Whatever, looking forward to another one!
said Aug 31, 2014
Ah, so that's why it's called placeholder...
said Aug 31, 2014
Yep, I'm no creative guy and thought I'll get the chance to change it :x
Probably not Towelie
said Aug 31, 2014
Aww shoot I'm sorry, I thought it was a cool name :/
said Aug 31, 2014
don't worry, we'll do another one ;)
said Aug 31, 2014
i looked it up online and apparently platzhalter also means custodian? so it randomly works with dustforce?
said Sep 1, 2014
That's funny. It would be weird to translate it like that but it makes sense :)
said Sep 2, 2014
Do you plan to unhide these maps in your profiles? I love the idea to release a bunch of new maps with a custom hub, and I love how it was made, but after some days would be more comfortable have a page for the map and use "install and play", to replay a map.

If CMRs will start again, would be cool release the maps in this way, with an original custom hub for every CMRs.
said Sep 2, 2014
I really like the idea for the CMRs! For the more comfortable access maybe you can drag the level files into the levels folder?

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