Tower Parapets

by Texel
created Mar 22, 2014
396 views | 585 downloads

/ 11 votes

/ 7 votes

map notes
Second map created during the same twitch-stream as the last one, this one being a little bit harder, and just a smidgen shorter.

Took a lot of the camera criticism from the last map into consideration on this one, you should hopefully be able to see sufficiently far ahead as not to be surprised.

Once again, thanks to those of you who watched me make and test this map on Twitch.

How're my cameras? Better lead this time?
edited Mar 22, 2014


said Mar 22, 2014
I like this map. Don't stop making them please.
said Mar 22, 2014
Holy butts. I put that little bypass route in there thinking it would be a while before anyone caught it, but you and Badger figured it out immediately. Bravo.
said Mar 22, 2014
It was actually Badger who figured it out, I just copied that start route from him :3
said Mar 22, 2014
I like this map too! Looks and flows well, and the camera is much better this time around :)
said Mar 22, 2014
I think i've found what is bothering me about these, they punish for speed. There are slope boosts that kill you and limited room for fast strats.
said Mar 23, 2014
I think i should clarify incase i'm giving you the wrong idea. I like both maps, i think they're good maps. But nonetheless they feel awkward to me in many places.
said Mar 23, 2014
yep completely agree, the first ramp should have been swallowed or flattened all together. I tried warning him of this repeatedly while he was streaming making the map, and It makes an otherwise good map completely un-fun to play
said Mar 24, 2014
u r a fkn btch as nig
said Mar 22, 2014
Really nice map!
said Mar 23, 2014
Awesome stuff man!
said Mar 24, 2014
Oldworth why you so fast.

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