Xi Scorpii

by Superkid
created Dec 9, 2013
670 views | 837 downloads

/ 16 votes

/ 14 votes

map notes
This map was originally made for the Custom Map Race but wasn't approved.
You'll probably get the best results with Dustman/Dustgirl. Have fun!
retagged Dec 9, 2013


said Dec 9, 2013
Since this is the first disapproved CMR map to be uploaded, I'd also like to know how people think about this. The reason for disapproval is due to the (in my opinion) high difficulty which I do not think would fit in Custom Map Races. Since the whole approval process is kinda new, we're still kinda trying to get a good feel of what people accept difficulty wise.

Aside from that, I still do like this map, even when played as Dustkid.
edited Dec 9, 2013
said Dec 9, 2013
It definitely would've made the race longer at least.
said Dec 9, 2013
Super Administrator
"medium difficulty"???!
said Dec 9, 2013
After uploading it took me about 2-3 minutes to SS it so I felt bad about the medium-hard tag :x
said Dec 9, 2013
It looks harder than it really is, once you figure out what strats actually work it's not that bad.
said Dec 9, 2013
Actually the beginning isn't too bad once you figure out a good method for it.
said Dec 9, 2013
The ending was miserable for me
Those dustblocks you have to up light to destroy
said Dec 9, 2013
Even for me the map is very difficult. Probably too much for a CMR.
Anyway nice map, I enjoyed the challenge (except the first drop).

Medium to hard difficulty??!!!
said Dec 9, 2013
Thanks for your opinion!
Alright I think now I got it!
said Dec 9, 2013
Fun map!
said Dec 9, 2013
said Dec 9, 2013
Super Administrator
omg i did it.  I played it safe.
said Dec 9, 2013
wasn't too hard, was it? :P
said Dec 9, 2013
very pretty and fun to play :)
said Dec 9, 2013
i'm glad you like it!
said Dec 9, 2013
When I first played this, I wasn't even coming close to finishing the first part. Suddenly, for some reason, I got it about 3 or 4 times in a row.. and began to fail it repeatedly once more. Is there a specific trick to it? Right now, it just feels like a bit of a gamble to me.
said Dec 9, 2013
Two -full- jumps before the first prism then just swift back and forth movements while light attacking the prisms.  Not sure how else I can describe it to make it easier to understand sadly. As long as you're high enough you should be able to avoid the spikes fairly easily this way.
said Dec 10, 2013
I had the same problem, but I found a good method.  Watch my replay.  Basically: get the first one, then hit the next two in quick succession, while holding left after hitting the next one, in order to put close to the middle.  Then fall down a bit, then repeat.  It should be like:
Bam.  BamBam!  BamBam! BamBam!
said Dec 9, 2013
After the initial back and forth climbing section, I found the back-and-forth ceilings to be frustratingly inconsistent. Otherwise, hard but good map.

EDIT: And I just realized what the easier way to do it was. Blegh. Should've just watched replays before getting my SS.
said Dec 10, 2013
Difficulty Tag Change Count: 6,848,906,415,890 times
said Dec 10, 2013
And still not sure if it is accurate
Probably not Towelie
said Dec 13, 2013
That beginning part is just absolute hell, my run is the only time I've ever gotten past it.
Probably not Towelie
said Dec 13, 2013
Yeah, after like 100 restarts I hate this level. You should have only made it like 4 tiers rather than 8. Really takes the fun out of a level if you can't get past the first part.
said Dec 14, 2013
wait really? i actually didn't find it that bad. (the same can't be said for the rest of the level.) and you're infinity times better than me.
Probably not Towelie
said Dec 14, 2013
to be perfectly honest that is the only part that gave me trouble, everything else was super easy and could be done in two tries or less.
Probably not Towelie
said Dec 15, 2013
theres the SS after pretty much 200+ tries, sheesh
said Jan 1, 2014
sorry for the late reply :x
and sorry that it bothered you :/
said Oct 3, 2023
I don't believe it's right for Custom Map Races because of the high difficulty, which is why I don't approve of it. https://freegamesonline.io
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