
by mister__simon
created Aug 22, 2020
527 views | 439 downloads

/ 13 votes

/ 4 votes

map notes
My part for cyber complex 3, leading on from Maddy's map through to Corc's.

By far the most work I've put into a map to date.
Who knew making a minute of gameplay would take so much effort haha.

Huge thanks to the other CC3 folks: Temp, AlexSpeedy, Maddy, Corc, and Delo.
Also to C for the prop path, prop brush, and tile tool scripts for the editor.

edited Aug 22, 2020


said Aug 22, 2020
You know, these hamburgers are quite similar to the ones they have at Krusty Burger.
said Aug 24, 2020
i love your part of cc<3
said Aug 24, 2020
Visually, super sick.  Love the particles and colors.  Really fun gameplay too.  The camera in some spots is super impressive.   The only  part of the map that caused issues was the dustblock section that I'm sure you have heard way too much about already so I wont go into it.   Everything else flowed really well, and felt fun as heck to play.   

The art was clever too.  Using the particles, the light props, and water tiles to make the aurora worked so well, and the decoration on the layer 19 tiles was really well done.  The colors just work so well.   This and Inky Woods are my 2 top contenders for my favorite art.  

One other thing was that there was a little spot where you have a disconnect into a connect-interest node setup  (the section I was saying seemed like it was "lagging") and I think that might have been a bit jarring for me.  It probably helps people who are schmoovin though so I can't complain too much I guess.

Super great map simon, thanks!
said Aug 25, 2020
my favorite part of cc3 visually

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