Inky Woods

by Maddy_
created Aug 22, 2020
422 views | 479 downloads

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map notes
My cc3 section!
edited Aug 22, 2020

1 comment

said Aug 23, 2020
My favorite section visually (just personal preference).  The colors and prop usage hit kinda all the right spots for me.  One complaint is the checkpoint at the very beginning.  I know this is part of a compilation map, but this individual section probably shouldn't have had the checkpoint at the start.

After Playing this a bit more, I think I do agree this is the easiest part now.  My brain was just not working yesterday.  I really enjoyed being able to see your mapmaking style show through here with the loopy section, and the down-up section where you go through the dustblock was cool as well.  The art on the super-burn "door" was a nice touch, as well as the glasses face.

The camera work on the level was super good.  You mentioned this was probably your best camera, and I think (at least from what I've played) I agree.  Everyone did a great job here.

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