Emerald Grapes

by Kuitar
created Mar 2, 2019
422 views | 520 downloads

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map notes
My (bad) attempt at a more "tech/high apm" map like czyys's maps but a bit easier.

SS-able with every character but it was more tailored to man/girl so worth/kid are probably going to be awkward at spots, don't h8 m8.


said Mar 3, 2019
This is medium to hard at least, surely. Took me about 10 mins to work out what route I wanted to take, but wasn't bad after that. Definitely had fun with it. Nice gameplay, nice visuals, a lot of potential routes. NiceMan.
said Mar 3, 2019
But the medium-to-hard tag looks ugly af (^:
Also I felt like, in most spots, you can cheese/go slowly and it makes it not too hard to execute, I guess the puzzle nature of this kind of maps do make the routing harder.
said Mar 3, 2019
It's certainly what i'd consider medium for ol dustkid.  Actually on the easy side of medium for her going slow.

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