Chasm City

by yay899
created Sep 22, 2015
365 views | 672 downloads

/ 12 votes

/ 2 votes

map notes
I tried mixing the city theme with a cave/mine theme and got this. It's probably the first time I've made the distant background out of props in the backdrops section. I usually just cobble that together with other props.

There's one jump that's kind of difficult with Dustworth, but otherwise the entire map should work reasonably well with any character.


said Sep 22, 2015
Beautiful map with a good variety of obstacles. Good job.
Shin Rekkoha
said Sep 26, 2015
This map is pretty solid.  You've improved a lot in what feels like a short span of time to me.
said Sep 27, 2015
I've been at this for three years now. It's nice to see that I'm starting to get good at it!

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