Tokyo Jupiter

by Meiya
created Jul 18, 2015
349 views | 618 downloads

/ 10 votes

/ 3 votes

map notes
Simple map


Shin Rekkoha
said Jul 18, 2015
I guess the background is too close of a color to the trash dust... because I can't see the dust for shit.  I mean I missed dust in like 4 spots over and over because it just blends in.  Also has some really awkward placement.

EDIT: Sometimes we take things for granted.  In light of recent events, this is actually the best map ever.  Atlas shit spam has completely broken my spirit.  Please save us Meiya, because I can't anymore.  I can't...
edited Jul 21, 2015
said Jul 18, 2015
I can see the dust. I will make a glowing red dust on 100% black background next time.
Shin Rekkoha
said Jul 18, 2015
Thanks <3
said Jul 18, 2015
I understand now what you said. I guess you'll have to play the map multiple time before trying to SS it...
Shin Rekkoha
said Jul 18, 2015
I guess it doesn't really matter.  Either way, people are going to watch top replays to learn strats before they seriously grind for top times.  It's just memorizing inputs at that level on every map anyways.
said Jul 18, 2015
5/5 map really fun
said Jul 18, 2015
why the anti-dustworth dustblocks at the end :(
edit: got my strats in, but I brought the spaghetti at those last dustblocks because dustworth
edited Jul 18, 2015
said Jul 18, 2015
You can destroy them with 2 light attacks and then finish with a heavy. That was the fastest way when I tested it with worth. I'm shit with worth tho
said Jul 18, 2015
Great map, great background
said Jun 20, 2023
Thank you for these unforgettable experiences in your levels.

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