Virtual Debris

by Giamma
created Apr 23, 2015
744 views | 819 downloads

/ 26 votes

/ 15 votes

map notes
I started this map to make a map around a sort of gimmick but I ended up with a Giga/Exa mix. The gimmick is only at the start. Watch my replay if you hate the beginning...even if I'm not sure you will like the gimmick :I


Shin Rekkoha
said Apr 23, 2015
It's pretty fun and short, so even I can beat it yay!

But I am honestly disappointed by the art.  I get very hyped when I see a Giamma map, maybe even more than a Dustcreep map.  You can do a lot with virtual tiles... they are legit man  :(
Probably not Towelie
said Apr 23, 2015
I think it looks great.
said Apr 23, 2015
I tried to give a look similar to stock difficult maps but virtual tileset, and also lab tileset, are hard to use! Use the forest tileset is so much easier for me
said Apr 24, 2015
The vast majority of maps on this website are forest themed. The lab theme is kind of ass IMO. It's hard to make something realistic looking with it.
said Apr 23, 2015
There was a gimmick?
Luke's Cat
said Apr 23, 2015
Probably jumping left to not slide down the slope. Not something you see every day.
said Apr 23, 2015
You can just dash right as soon as you land and you won't slide either!
said Apr 23, 2015
The "gimmick" is to do a spikejump in the opposite direction of the slope and press down+right (well this maybe it's not necessary). If you do in the correct way you should slide up the slope.
With dustman is easier, with dustworth is faster I think...with dustkid is bad.
Luke's Cat
said Apr 23, 2015
I should probably speed up my ending, I just like making it interesting :P
said Apr 23, 2015
This map is insanely cool! I'd vote this into the stock level x-difficults at a moments notice!

5/5 on the basis that i'm not allowed to rate any higher.
said Apr 23, 2015
wow thanks! Glad you like it
Probably not Towelie
said Apr 23, 2015
I rike it.
said Apr 23, 2015
Glad you rike it!
said Apr 24, 2015
Dude! Sweet! This exact gameplay is absolutely my jam!
said Apr 24, 2015
:D thanks!

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