
by Kuroonehalf
created Sep 13, 2014
822 views | 819 downloads

/ 29 votes

/ 25 votes

map notes
I have briefly gotten back from retirement to make a new map. A few ideas I've been meaning to implement for a while - like one part that should be very familiar to some of you from the game's main nexus (please reply if you spot it :p) - and others are sorta new.

This time there's many less crutches to help newer folks, and this map is mostly aimed toward experienced players or players looking for a good challenge. I tried my best to make most sections as consistent as possible and I hope I did okay there. If you haven't played my Backward Swipes map or Leftover maps (among others) some sections might feel harder than expected.

As for the visuals, this one was rough. Like with the gameplay part I didn't want to retread the same paths I've been to, but it's getting harder to find original schemes that work well. I ended up with this... thing. Hopefully it works alright.

Fingers crossed I didn't botch anything up. Cheers folks. :p

ps: Oh yeah, thanks to Furks and Itay for help in playtesting.
edited Sep 13, 2014


Shin Rekkoha
said Sep 13, 2014
To be honest I don't really like this map.  It's the kind of cryptic punishing layout, that even once I figure out what strategies will make it through, are simply too frustrating to execute to ever be fun.  I'm sure someone will like it.  "git gud" and such responses notwithstanding.  Thank you for actually making the map look pleasant when so many others would've submitted this as a 2 layer virtual map.
Probably not Towelie
said Sep 13, 2014
Git gud shin
Shin Rekkoha
said Sep 13, 2014
Towelie when is your 90 second map going to be done?
Probably not Towelie
said Sep 13, 2014
Never because my brain is mush now.
said Sep 13, 2014
Killer visuals. Really made me want to finish the map, but unfortunately it's just so god damn hard. Not going to rate it because I can't put a number-rating on a map that I can't finish :P
said Sep 13, 2014
Same here, one of the prettiest maps I've seen. But I only saw the first 1/3rd of it....
said Sep 13, 2014
Sorry doods. ;u;
Probably not Towelie
said Sep 13, 2014
Feather Dusters for the win
said Sep 13, 2014
I didn't expect Dustkid to fare so well in this map. Unintended success!
Probably not Towelie
said Sep 13, 2014
It's a great map kuro but i can't for the life of me complete it with dustman, so I defaulted to dustkid for that one part with the glitch wall.
said Sep 13, 2014
Got to the end, botched it, ran out of time ; ;  I'll come back to it again, but I think it could use a few more checkpoints to help practice certain sections.
said Sep 13, 2014
Yeah, Wazzy pointed out a few unobtrusive places I coulda put checkpoints on just now. Bummer. Though I did ask for help in playtesting this throughout the day on the irc and got next to no response. :<
Probably not Towelie
said Sep 13, 2014
Should'a just asked me
said Sep 14, 2014
The checkpoint placement is perfect in my opinion.
said Sep 13, 2014
fuck that one stupid wall slide shit thing (i'm pretty annoyed can you tell) other than that fun map :P
said Sep 13, 2014
everyone else has an SS and I'm just sitting here with a CD thinking there's no way I'm trying this map again
said Sep 14, 2014
I helped as much as I would've been able to for it being 3am... finally beat the thing.  Figuring out I didn't need to actually take the boost as dustkid was... most of that.
said Sep 14, 2014
Awesome level dude. I really like this sort of level where you need every ressource given to get through. You did a great job at the background man. I already had one part in mind from the nexus by reading your description. Turned out it was exactly this one :-)
Please keep doing some more, and I be glad to see your name on the leaderboards again =]
said Sep 14, 2014
Kuro mapping style best mapping style
said Sep 14, 2014
Well I can't do that wall in the right way.
The rest of the level is super fun to play and overall I really really liked the level. It was fun try to figure out some sections.
But that wall, it's so annoying for me T_T

Hope to see more Kuro's maps, please.
said Sep 15, 2014
Everything after the checkpoint is BS haha. Good map bud.
said Sep 15, 2014
Sorry lol.
said Sep 15, 2014
What are you sorry about it? It was a good map, it was hard but fair and flowed well even after the checkpoint. Its just that the parts after the checkpoint were tighter or more finicky than they needed to be to do what you wanted them to, at least in my opinion.
said Sep 16, 2014
Yeah it seems I shoulda put stuff like the nexus curved wall sooner into the map (or figured out some wait to make it more consistent somehow).
said Sep 17, 2014
Fun map! More along the lines of a 4 flame difficulty to me though. :<

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