Just A Test

by timelessgun
created Sep 13, 2014
452 views | 652 downloads

/ 14 votes

/ 6 votes

map notes
Ok so this took me a while been working and trying to pay rent and stuff.
but i got some free time and work on this. i hope you like it.
i been playing Dust Force to get better and trying to play Maps to learn but it hard.
Like really you guy are Pro.
i got it play testing a few times but as always tell me if something work or show me so i can fix it.
(some secret are in it if you want to look)     ಠ_ರೃ


said Sep 13, 2014
So... Long...
Most people tend to prefer maps that are less than a minute long. Going over a minute is usually frowned upon. I don't actually mind but you are gonna get some complaints about length.
Pretty good, although the dust at the start can be hard to see, Also you have a few 22.5 sections that would work better as 45 sections.

Also I like maps that have a story. EDIT: I like long maps, don't let this put you off. Make as many as you like!
edited Sep 13, 2014
said Sep 13, 2014
ook i see i forgot about the length thing i would make sure not to go over 1:00 to 1:15 on my future maps. And the dust that the start will be noted.
said Sep 13, 2014
Please do whatever length you like. >1:30 maps a rare and from my side appreciated :-)
Probably not Towelie
said Sep 13, 2014
I like maps that are over a minute, sad thing is that I can't make any because I run out of ideas at around 20 seconds in.
said Sep 13, 2014
I like long maps too, much more satisfying to get a good run for me.
said Sep 13, 2014
Make a jump that can only be crossed by dustkid using super and stick a hexagon to grind super on before it. BAM. instant length.
I accept paypal and bitcoins.
Probably not Towelie
said Sep 13, 2014
said Sep 13, 2014
what jump do you mean?
said Sep 13, 2014
Sorry I was offering valuable map design advice* to Towelie.

*this is a joke, i'm not referring to your map here :)
Shin Rekkoha
said Sep 13, 2014
Towelie needs all the map advice he can get, kappa.
said Sep 13, 2014
annoyed with reupload, but on the bright side you did it early on.
said Sep 13, 2014
so should we never re-upload
said Sep 13, 2014
Most people grind maps when they come out and don't check if it gets reuploaded, which could end up with them wasting a lot of time and effort on a good run. Try not to reupload unless it's something really serious like you forgot the end flag.
said Sep 13, 2014
OH yeah i see that can be a huge bummer il take that to heart.
Shin Rekkoha
said Sep 14, 2014
This map is really long and really repetitive.  Even from an artistic standpoint it makes little to no sense.  Why is the dust still virtual after loading a "real" realm, instead of real leaves etc.  Why do you "load" through real world lab tiles, instead of pixelly stuff, virtual blocks, a proper fog trigger, or any other option that would look better.  Take a look at Azure's map: "Flux" to learn more about the art.  This is a case of ambition outpacing skill and practicality; A mistake I myself made when I started mapping.  Also, the forced text triggers are super annoying.  The tiles are also really bad looking, especially in your rocky sections.  It's obvious it was just the default brush dragged all around, no effort to use different angles or look organic.  If this was your first map I wouldn't be so critical, but it's your fourth.
said Sep 14, 2014
i see what your saying. do you have any good tutorial i can look at cause i look at a few but  their no help. but i like the virtual dust cause it a bigger contract to the other ones when it come to green and gray tiles. that being said il will impress with my next one.
edited Sep 14, 2014

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