Sky Blue

by Calistus
created Sep 4, 2014
540 views | 738 downloads

/ 15 votes

/ 12 votes

map notes
I should really learn how to make longer maps.

There's nothing particularly special or interesting about this map, I just wanted to make something. I hope you enjoy it anyway!

Music for your consideration:


said Sep 4, 2014
Short maps are almost always fun to grind :)
said Sep 4, 2014
Short maps are so cute. :D
P.S. Love the song recommendation.
said Sep 4, 2014
Meaaaaaark! Thank you!
said Sep 4, 2014
That start made me fearful, and then the rest of the level was free slow.
said Sep 4, 2014
I opened the editor wanting to make a hard map, but then I just wanted to make a satisfying map. I still regret the start being 4 hit instead of just one or two, because it's not particularly interesting gameplay in my opinion.
said Sep 4, 2014
What Fireball said. Nice level and music!
Shin Rekkoha
said Sep 4, 2014
Is gud map, short but solid.  I just listened to the recommended music and thought you might like this:  (Warning, EO Labyrinth themes have VERY long loops before repeating).
said Sep 4, 2014
That is really nice. I am wondering if I should regret not impulse buying EO4, if only for the music.
Shin Rekkoha
said Sep 5, 2014
Eeh it's not for everyone.  I love the classes in the game and the combat mechanics of EO in general.  Much more depth than a typical final fantasy.  But it can still get quite repetitive and grindy, and you either like that or you don't.
said Sep 4, 2014
hm, the level name is a synonym for something
said Sep 4, 2014
calistus, please, i finally thought you were going to start making good maps when i saw ramen come out, now you have disappointed me again ;(  Horrible map, no giga walls, no finicky spike jumps, no cramped spaces, no spots to spread dust, no deathzones in the middle of path...


said Sep 4, 2014
Don't worry, I'm gonna make some similar maps. Maybe one will fit that niche. Maybe.

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