
by asdHeyB
created Aug 21, 2014
834 views | 830 downloads

/ 28 votes

/ 16 votes

map notes
Yup. It's a little longer than my previous map attempts and I hope it doesn't turn out annoying or too awkward /:
As always, let me know if there is anything wrong (I did my best with the camera).


Luke's Cat
said Aug 21, 2014
I really enjoyed this map, the ceiling boost thingy always eluded me but i enjoyed it none the less!
Sorry about the Anon time :l
edited Aug 21, 2014
said Aug 21, 2014
thanks :D
I was unsure whether to release this map or not
glad to see you liked it!
said Aug 21, 2014
This is my favorite of your maps so far, though I'm pretty sure it's far easier with kid then anyone else.
said Aug 21, 2014
thank you :]
Shin Rekkoha
said Aug 21, 2014
The word you are looking for is ascent.
said Aug 21, 2014
actually, I wanted to avoid it because it's already a stock map, so I bent up and ascent
edited Aug 21, 2014
said Aug 21, 2014
One thing I will note, you should flip checkpoints where you want to start heading left.  You can do this with mouse button 4, which sucks, but is how it's done.
said Aug 21, 2014
yeah, the initial P1 entity is flipped
but i completely forgot to keep flipping them xD
said Aug 21, 2014
said Aug 21, 2014
I really enjoyed this map. It was really difficult, but it never felt stupid in its difficulty. Some really creative movement was required.
said Aug 21, 2014
the builder of this map is a genious
said Aug 21, 2014
Really fun, I like levels that you need to figure out a bit
said Aug 21, 2014
glad you liked it :D
Shin Rekkoha
said Aug 21, 2014
This map has a lot of good parts, and I did indeed enjoy it... after I learned where you put death triggers.  It has some very wierd and sloppy decisions.  The worst offender is the zetta slopes, where the death triggers are basically random.  If you miss the first slope, there's no easy way to get enough height to retry it, but there are also no spikes or death triggers to kill you.  There is a death trigger WAY too the right, but it's still very awkward... surviving after you fail yet unable to retry without backtracking, especially since you just fall down and start running around hidden behind layer 20 tiles.  Also, the first slope has no spikes on top, so an intrepid any% runner might run up the top of it and... arbitrarily die to a death trigger with no warning...  Some regular old spikes on the floors of these places, on top of the slopes where you don't want them to go, and a spiked barrier seperating the first and second zetta slope, would've really helped IMO.
edited Aug 21, 2014
said Aug 22, 2014
yeah, I agree that some sections can be awkward or annoying, I'm totally aware of that
but as for what you said about the first slope, you can easily get on the platform and jump again (I went and checked with dustman as soon as I read your comment)
as for the death triggers, they could be better placed, right, and I'll consider spikes for future occasions, BUT, they are not random at all
the deathboxes I put below the slopes were aimed to reduce the waiting time if you happened to fail the slope and, more importantly, to avoid getting caught in positions where you would otherwise be unable to keep playing if you re-trigger a checkpoint and some entities have disappeared (in that case, spikes over the slope wouldn't have been enough and I didn't like the look of spikes on the slope)
regarding the layer 20 tiles, I don't think that's too much of an issue, I mean, it doesn't affect the stardard route
thanks for commenting
said Aug 21, 2014
Wow, this was really fun! Keep it up man.
said Aug 22, 2014
thanks :D
Probably not Towelie
said Aug 21, 2014
I really like this level, you did an excellent job with the flow but one part is kind of annoying if you don't do it correctly which is the zetta slopes. Even if you can hit the first bird, it's not guaranteed that you will have enough height to hit the next two. Great map none the less.

Edit: Also I should add, it is a bad idea to have a wall climb section that has spikes right after an open section. It is a better idea to recess the parts you don't want people to climb on and put spikes in those areas to prevent the "climb for one millisecond too much" death that probably annoys just about everyone.
edited Aug 22, 2014
said Aug 23, 2014
hm... I'd add a fourth turkey or a platform if I could... and i'd remove that set of spikes if I could right now (I also died a couple times because of that lol)...
sorry it felt annoying, I'll keep that in mind
thanks for your feedback!
said Aug 21, 2014
This map has several issues all over, in no way should it be rated as high as it is. Please learn how to rate maps. This map is a 3.5 at best and a 2.0 at worst.

I say this because in no universe is this map "above average" so imo it shouldn't be higher then a 3 at all. Ratings currently act like this map is great when it isnt
edited Aug 21, 2014
said Aug 22, 2014
Please elaborate.  
This is definitely above average by my standards. I'm curious as to what reasons you have for stating that this map should be rated that bad.

Moreover, you didn't even SS the map yourself. I wonder if you actually tried to SS the map but you probably just couldn't do it after a few tries and stopped trying.
edited Aug 22, 2014
Probably not Towelie
said Aug 22, 2014
This map is a solid 4 hearts bird, not sure what you're on about but it is a great map from someone who has been trying and taking advice from all the comments. That alone warrants a good rating from me.
said Aug 22, 2014
Bird, no, the only thing a post like this does is makes you look like an asshole.  You can say you don't like a map, preferably and how, but you're saying "I think this map is average, and I'm objectively correct".  The map is rated high because for whatever reason, people like the map.  Absolutely 0 people want you as the almighty god of the atlas, so acting like you are will accomplish nothing.
said Aug 22, 2014
Wow dude. Seriously?
said Aug 22, 2014
well, I understand that you don't like it. I mean, I can't please everybody, that's okay
tbh, at first I had absolutely no hope for this map, I even expected worse ratings than those of Sunsetting, but it turned out that people liked this
if you have anything to say that would make future maps more enjoyable/polished/tighter, then you are completely welcome, I appreciate feedback
but, man, "please, learn how to rate maps"? really?
said Aug 22, 2014
well im glad you know what i like better than i do myself
said Aug 26, 2014
I think this level is really fun, but there's a few problems. A lot of people already mentioned most of them, so here are the other ones I found.

- The level is a bit too long I think, because you wanted to do lots of different things all on the same map. Maybe cut down the length a bit for later levels you make?
- There are a lot of weird ground formations that you can get stuck on or have strange interactions with, mostly by climbing on top of the walls in the cave you're supposed to dash off and hit the enemy. Just climb on top of one and play around, you'll see what I mean
- this section kind of sucks to be honest. You need a double jump to make it up the wall, but there's no good place to stop to regain your air charge, except this absurdly awkward spike of land, which jumping off it most of the time accidentally double-jumps anyway.
- people already mentioned the zetta slopes, I'd just cut them out entirely. A lot of people have trouble with them, and since you can beat 80% of the map without needing to do any, suddenly requiring really good boosts is kind of jerkish and doesn't fit with the rest of the map

I did have a lot of fun with this map, but those kind of frustrations make it difficult to replay it too many times.
said Aug 26, 2014
You can do a ceiling boost in the spot you linked, which gets you to the wall without jumping off the awkward spike of land (while retaining double jump of course). It's pretty tough to execute though, so I ended up touching ground anyway.
said Aug 26, 2014
1. yes, it is longer than any of my previous maps, but I won't make them so long from now on
2. I know what you mean, I saw doicm's comment and checked it out and also got stuck lol... I guess I'll avoid similar spots in future occasions to prevent that from happening
3. it wasn't intended to be frustrating or anything... I mean, you can spikejump it to regain your air charge, or do a ceiling slide, as karelian pointed out there, without the need to stop
sorry if it felt annoying /:
4. as for the slopes, I agree that they don't fit with the rest of the map, but I included them to give the level some speed... I even thought of splitting the map in two parts (cave-like section and surface) and publish them separately because of that...

thanks for commenting
glad you liked it despite all of that
said Jun 20, 2023
Thanks to you, the game takes on a new meaning. Thank you!

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