Gray Quarter

by Probably not Towelie
created Aug 1, 2014
542 views | 905 downloads

/ 28 votes

/ 13 votes

map notes
Took me awhile to finally get around to finish this map but I'm happy with the result. It has a virtual castle kind of look, sort of similar to void temple by thinktank except not quite as detailed. I figured that too elaborate a background would detract from the feel so I stopped after filling it in with some parallax layers. Gameplay should be fun, but there are only two checkpoints despite being over 40 seconds long because I can't figure out anywhere else to put them. Anyways enjoy the level!

Yes, the ending is meant to be that way.
edited Mar 19, 2018


said Aug 1, 2014 pretty sure thats not normal towelie :P replays cant be watched
Probably not Towelie
said Aug 1, 2014
I made it to do that, it happens when you have an even number of ending flags set off at the same time. Try it in the editor, make two flags or even ten attached to some enemy and when you clear it, it freezes in the slow "zone clear" mode until you hit spikes or a death-zone. If you land on a platform it just goes on forever and the replay screen does not come up.
said Aug 1, 2014
"Yes, the ending is meant to be that way."
Probably not Towelie
said Aug 2, 2014
said Aug 2, 2014
When you land on a platform you can press "ESC" a few times and the slow-mo will stop.
Really cool level Towelie, visual-wise and gameplay-wise very good. I especially liked the first third of it :-)
said Aug 2, 2014
this looks almost exactly like thinktank's gunmetal
Shin Rekkoha
said Aug 2, 2014
I liked gunmetal.
said Aug 2, 2014
This is fun. Not "standard" Towelie, but still very strong Towelie elements.
said Aug 2, 2014
I liked the part where the Towelie map played sorta not like a Towelie map but had Towelie things in it.

I rate it a Towelie/10
said Aug 2, 2014
said Aug 3, 2014
would it really kill you to add more checkpoints?
Probably not Towelie
said Aug 3, 2014
read the description fella, instead of asking for more how about recommending where I put them seeing as that was what the problem for me was.
said Aug 3, 2014
You could put one right before the really hard slopeboost jump for example, just have it start in midair, or add a platform. I still don't know how to do that jump without using the spike glitch though, maybe I just really suck at it

There's also one spot, right before the first actual checkpoint, where my instinct is to up-heavy a prism (just like the previous few ones), but that spreads dust in a really dumb place I can't reach - come on, that's the one place in the map where you DIDN'T put spikes :P
Probably not Towelie
said Aug 3, 2014
Ugh I didn't put spikes there because I used it to ceiling run on to the wall-climb... *sighs* I should have just sunk in the back to you only spread dust on the part you actually climb on. Also, yeah, that jump probably put a lot of people off, a platform for a checkpoint is probably the best idea there, thanks for the ideas Azure!

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