Industrial Zone Act 2

by Meark
created Feb 3, 2014
2426 views | 2051 downloads

/ 69 votes

/ 25 votes

map notes
Late night surprise...well depending on your timezone I guess. Anyway, here's Act 2 of the Industrial Zone.  
This map was inspired by this pic: and Scrap Brain Zone and I guess the Chemical Plant Zone again.
I hope you guys enjoy this map.


said Feb 3, 2014
Whoaaaaa. VERY nice, this level looks incredible
said Feb 4, 2014
Thank you. It took a while to make because I couldn't decide on the map's layout.
Probably not Towelie
said Feb 3, 2014
Ok your preview pic looks EXACTLY like the one for the inspiration. Absolutely incredible Meark!
Probably not Towelie
said Feb 4, 2014
Maps like this make me think of how much cooler this game could be if they kept adding things into the level editor :O
said Feb 4, 2014
Thanks Towelie. :D I wish they would put the doors back in. I thought it would be fun to make maps with. I kinda like the challenge that a set amount of props gives. It helps focus my creativity.
said Feb 5, 2014
doors were so good :(
said Feb 5, 2014
Hitbox, bring back the doors!! D:
said Feb 4, 2014
No birds? I can only give you 12/10 for this then
said Feb 4, 2014
I was thinking about adding polygon emitters or something but then I figured it would lag the hell out of this map. I was already worried about there being too many props that could cause lag.
said Feb 4, 2014
Jaw is on the floor. Stunning work man.
said Feb 4, 2014
Thank you! Here is your jaw back. :)
said Feb 4, 2014
hitbox hire this guy
said Feb 4, 2014
Hahah that would be pretty cool but I don't know programming so I dunno how helpful I would be to the team. xD
said Feb 4, 2014
Amazing visuals, wish it was longer.
said Feb 4, 2014
I second this! A +1 minute Meark map is the dream.
said Feb 4, 2014
I'll try to make a longer map next time, but I'm also a fan of fast dashing maps. It also takes me a while to think of map layouts that aren't boring.
said Feb 4, 2014
Really awesome also your work with the sound.
said Feb 4, 2014
Thanks. :D I never really hear that much ambiance in levels but maybe that's because the music is usually loud so I thought to tone it down a bit like in Coast.
said Feb 4, 2014
Oh my, that is really breathtaking.
said Feb 4, 2014
I'm glad you think so. It's probably because of the pollution again. haha
said Feb 4, 2014
He does it again
said Feb 4, 2014
And I'm going to keep doing it until I run out of ideas. xD
said Feb 4, 2014
How do you even make this. My brain hurts. D:
said Feb 4, 2014
I start with an idea or something I like and try to make a level out of it. I usually get unhappy with how things are going and always change the map up. x_x
said Feb 4, 2014
this is madness...
said Feb 4, 2014 Industrial Zone!!!
said Feb 4, 2014
This is absolutely stunning. Amazing level Meark, 10/10
said Feb 4, 2014
Thank you. :D I'm happy you think it's stunning and amazing. :)
said Feb 4, 2014
Did anyone find the only "secret" yet?
said Feb 4, 2014
i did! *cough*
said Feb 4, 2014
Super Administrator
holy crap this is pretty
said Feb 4, 2014
Thank you!! :D
said Feb 4, 2014
Maybe stream making maps as Towelie does? I'm sure people would love to watch that :P
Probably not Towelie
said Feb 4, 2014
Yeah! I would love a tutorial or two :)
said Feb 4, 2014
I dunno how to stream and I don't have any recording devices, but I have thought about making some sort of level editor 101 tutorial. There are some things I'm still figuring out like cameras and stuff. Also I usually take a while to decide on map layouts, but maybe I can try to do one directed towards just map decoration or something.
Probably not Towelie
said Feb 4, 2014
You can ask Shurykan to give to the smaller details but I just run OBS and select the dustforce program and it streams it to my twitch account. Of course you have to enter your streaming key but that's just cut and paste :)
said Feb 4, 2014
Wow, the visuals are absolutely breathtaking. Fun map as well.

Never stop mapping, Meark.
said Feb 4, 2014
Thank you. :D As long as I have ideas and you guys enjoy them I don't think I will stop mapping. :)
said Feb 8, 2014
Dang, this is so cool!  I'll be an outlier here and offer a bit of criticism, though :)

I think interest point nodes in your camera path and dynamics in zoom (even just a subtle increase or decrease on certain sections) would go a long way in highlighting the awesome visuals.  Pick out some visual foreground highpoints with relatively confined flow (for instance, the tower section with the two cogs) and place an interest point there and have the camera change zoom slightly.  This let's your eyes take in the scenery, as well as prevents the camera from moving backwards when your path loops back around over itself (which I find a bit jarring).

All your maps have had spectacular set piece visuals, use the camera to really highlight them and make them that much better!
said Feb 8, 2014
Thank you for the criticism, it is much appreciated. I haven't really figured how cameras work and everything so I found your advice to be very helpful. :D
said Feb 12, 2014
This map looks and plays incredibly... thanks Meark bruh!
said Mar 19, 2014
Well.... guess I gotta start playing custom maps now then...
Shin Rekkoha
said Apr 18, 2015
This has always been one of my favorite maps, and seeing it 1-bombed has broken my heart.
said Mar 27, 2023
<a href=""> Dịch vụ Gửi hàng đi Úc</a> (Australia), Gửi quần áo đi Úc: áo dài, váy cưới, mũ, nón, túi xách, nguyên phụ liệu thời toàn, nhanh chóng.
said Jun 20, 2023
Your level design is perfectly balanced. Thank you!

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