Raven Use orange Plz

by DoughNation
created Nov 7, 2013
512 views | 791 downloads

/ 21 votes

/ 15 votes

map notes
edited Nov 9, 2016


said Nov 8, 2013
What's with all these hate votes? I find rating this 1/5 hearts extremely exaggerated...
Probably not Towelie
said Nov 8, 2013
If it makes you feel any better I rated this a 5, even with my first run being just awful because of the bears popping out one by one :D
said Nov 8, 2013
I'm not saying this because I feel bad or anything. I was just honestly wondering what the reason was behind the 1 heart ratings. There are maps out there that are literally unplayable and even some of those get 2 heart ratings. I just don't think it's really fair to put this map in the same category as them.
said Nov 8, 2013
Thanks for kind comments, the map IS pretty bad though . . I made it in <20 minutes and it really shows.

Also I think there are one or two people that just 1heart everything because even Meark maps go from 5.0 -> 4.7 thirteen votes in sometimes.
said Nov 8, 2013
Good map, other than the SUDDENLY BEARS part it felt pretty similar to grass cave to me.
said Nov 8, 2013
Really? It felt more like Overgrown Temple to me.
said Nov 8, 2013
Yeah, kind of a combination of them maybe. I dislike overgrown a lot so I try not to think of it. :p
said Nov 8, 2013
Super Administrator
How did you get those instabears?
said Nov 8, 2013
Mouse Wheel 2 to adjust position along the time axis

jk, bipedal enemies can also use zips

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