Digital Chaos

by Seight
created Oct 12, 2013
704 views | 928 downloads

/ 23 votes

/ 21 votes

map notes
Something I've been putting together off and on for the last couple days. I wanted a fairly long and difficult virtual map that also plays pretty well, not sure how much of that I succeeded at. It might be too hard for some folks but I added a ton of checkpoints and I'm hoping that alleviates the issue a bit.

PS. Backgrounds are for suckers. If you came to one of my maps for the aesthetics I have to question your sanity.

PPS. Thanks to African, Magnet, Kuro, Towelie, Dustbear...and like half the custom map community for helping me refine this.

PPPS. Tested with Dustman and Dustgirl, I have no clue how the other two are gonna do.


said Oct 12, 2013
challenging but fun i like it.
said Oct 12, 2013
Hoping it is, It's really hard for me to figure out what people find fun and not while still keeping it challenging.
said Oct 12, 2013
the end is really crash-prone :(
said Oct 12, 2013
I honestly didn't even think of that, crap. Sorry Vox.
said Oct 12, 2013
no worries man it's not too bad. i just have to remember to doublejump after jumpbuffering the last slope. (is that what it's called?)
said Oct 12, 2013
Fun as always <3
said Oct 12, 2013
Super Administrator
Awesome map.  Pretty hard, but just doable enough where I don't want to give up on the SS.
said Oct 12, 2013
Yeah that's what I try to aim for, challenging but not hard enough to put you off to it. It feels more rewarding to work a little bit for it. Glad you liked it Lifeformed.
said Oct 12, 2013
Died near the end on a 1st place run -.- kinda drunk right now and my fingers hurt... might try again tomorrow.
said Oct 12, 2013
oh and awesome map! xD
said Oct 12, 2013
Thanks dude. =)
said Oct 13, 2013
I love how this map just keeps pushing you to use quick reflexes and rewards you with speed. Love this map <3
said Oct 13, 2013
haha the first sentence is dustforce in a nutshell.
said Oct 13, 2013
Love the map, only thing I can criticize is the zoomed out view. Seems to cause input lag at 1080p resolution, no matter system specs. I have trouble getting the groundboost at the start and dashing consistently, despite being fine at both of those things normally. Happens a lot on zoomed out maps, I've noticed.
said Oct 13, 2013
Yeah, I just wanted to avoid blind drops as much as possible especially since almost the entire map is going from one drop to another. I didn't know it caused input lag though, I'll keep that in mind. Thanks!
said Oct 13, 2013
it seems to be doing better now, but it was iffy for a bit. Also I'll be taking #1 SS from you shortly ;D <3
said Oct 13, 2013
Haha yeah it can definitely be done faster. Gogo!
said Oct 13, 2013
ehhhh I had teh urn but screwed it up and got #2 :/
Done for the night, will improve that time later though :3
said Oct 14, 2013
I think this may end up being my 3rd favorite custom map.  Hopefully I'll have some time to work on an ss tomorrow.
said Oct 14, 2013
Woah, didn't expect that. Glad you liked it so much!
said Oct 14, 2013
Really liked it! Not overly challenging but enough to be interesting, and it's nice to have longer maps sometimes. The pace and flow was great.
said Oct 14, 2013
Hah thanks! Nice run too, didn't think anyone was gonna beat my time but I'm glad you did. Now I feel slightly less like a scumbag for playing my own map now lol. I'll let you guys brawl it out for the top. :P
said Oct 14, 2013
wheres the fun in that, you SHOULD be top of your own map, you deserve it :D
said Oct 15, 2013
I just can't resist being a scumbag. Sorry Frozen. :(
Probably not Towelie
said Oct 15, 2013
Woot woot SS first try! Haha well technically not because I tested it for you nice map Seight, it was a good choice to add the moon and stars :)
said Oct 15, 2013
You are ridiculous Towelie, I miss when you used to try for times and got the firsts you deserve. :(
Probably not Towelie
said Oct 15, 2013
I only try when I get really pissed haha
Probably not Towelie
said Oct 16, 2013
Alright there you go 1 minute is the best I can do haha
said Oct 17, 2013
this map is so much fun. just messing up the big circle room with the hexagons every try.
said Oct 19, 2013
Agreed. There arent many custom maps I keep coming back to after my first initial grind, but this one keeps drawing me back. Love it, though I still havent ground out that sick time I promised Seight 3;

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