Green Stars

by Sivade
created Oct 9, 2013
608 views | 831 downloads

/ 11 votes

/ 9 votes

map notes
edit: tried to make a map without spending more than a couple of hours on it so i hope this map is somewhat decent. if nothing else it should play just fine and it is ssable with all characters so that's something. enjoy

also stars may be missing on part of the screen for some. it seems like it might just be a bug for me though so please let me know if the stars show up on the whole screen for you.
edited Oct 9, 2013


said Oct 9, 2013
Love this map! :)
Really, heaps of fun to play, I enjoy it a lot
said Oct 9, 2013
if you're serious and didn't just accidentally comment on the wrong map then thank you. :)
said Oct 9, 2013
'course I'm serious! :D
said Oct 9, 2013
Stars are workin' fine for me! Nice map by the way. Not sure how to keep momentum during the part with the light prisms and the spike columns, but I saw Seight did it. But, it's Seight. :P
said Oct 9, 2013
you have to dash down and light attack down like right after you hit your down dash then jump and repeat. and yeah... seight. seight is 2 fast as usual :D
said Oct 9, 2013
Oh god.. I can't do it consistently. :(
said Oct 11, 2013
I found that if you position yourself right you can dash, down heavy that section (at least with dustman). But it's very close to the spikes so that might be even trickier.
said Oct 9, 2013
trickier than it looks! I enjoyed it.
said Oct 9, 2013
i'm glad to hear you liked it
said Oct 9, 2013
I swear you just magic milliseconds out of the medium, Seight.
said Oct 10, 2013
conjuring leads veritably alchemically
said Oct 10, 2013
You woulda had it if you double jumped off the first ramp (after you'd reached the peak of your ramp to continue the boost as long as possible) and did a quicker ground boost after the climb. :P

Edit: You also get a lot more height on the ramp after the spikes->prism->spike bit if you land early on it and double dash before the actual ramp.
said Oct 10, 2013
Double jumping extends ramp boosts? Well...didn't know that. Testing it, it doesn't feel like it does anything.

Also fuck that ground boost, every time I do well on the rest of the stage I do the ground boost poorly.
said Oct 10, 2013
It keeps most of it I think, pretty sure you lose momentum when you hit the prism. Even if it doesn't, in this case its useful just to get you a little higher and lets you dash into the big prism and keeps you above the spikes before the drop.
said Oct 10, 2013
fun map! the stars appeared on the lower half right in the second i SS'd it oO

btw i know this bug too good. usually they're all over the screen when you were in the editor before.
said Oct 10, 2013
Yep it was fun!
said Oct 10, 2013
There! I think that's as fast as i can manage.
said Oct 10, 2013
wow nice i didn't think anyone was going to beat seights time :p good job
said Oct 10, 2013
I had a feeling someone would, grats!

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