Magma Purge

by czulki
created Sep 27, 2013
527 views | 840 downloads

/ 20 votes

/ 13 votes

map notes
Started as a project for the map competition but I ditched the virtual theme half way trough.


Probably not Towelie
said Sep 27, 2013
Good thing too, it looks good this way. My only gripe is the dust tiles you have to hit and the spike-less spike jump area, oh and the ceiling run section, unless you get a big jump in before you come up short on the wall run right after. Nice job though!
said Sep 27, 2013
I know exactly which parts you mean, I decided to leave them as they are though as I felt the map would be lacking difficulty otherwise. Nonetheless thanks for the feedback .
said Sep 27, 2013
Really like your maps, always make you think or at least do things a bit differently than on most other maps. Really surprised though that this was only rated 2 difficulty, felt quite hard to me.
said Sep 27, 2013
i agree with towelie i think it looks better this way. don't really have any complains on the difficulty or anything, i really like it. awesome map overall imo :D
said Sep 27, 2013
Fun map and the visuals were great!
said Sep 28, 2013
This map made my blood boil. Dx
said Sep 28, 2013
said Sep 28, 2013
It's a really good map I just kept messing up at those awkward parts but it still flows well when done right.
said Sep 28, 2013
My maps usually end up being much easier than I anticipated them to be. So I like the fact that this one is actually a bit more difficult.
said Sep 29, 2013
Really nice map! Like Creme Brulee it took me a while before I liked it, but now I like them a lot.

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