Petri Dish

by Calistus
created Aug 29, 2013
611 views | 708 downloads

/ 15 votes

/ 10 votes

easy short bad

map notes
First time using the editor. I appreciate the well-made levels much more now. Maybe next time will be better.
edited Mar 5, 2014


said Aug 29, 2013
I liked the flow, but i have a problem when you start with your face to the right.
said Aug 29, 2013
I would have liked to do that, but I couldn't figure out how to turn/flip the player origin. :(
said Aug 29, 2013
Its ok i don't know either.
said Aug 29, 2013
Mouse Button 4.
said Aug 29, 2013
Ohh.. thanks!
said Aug 29, 2013
Cool map! Eager to see what you make next. :>

ps: Superkid pls.
edited Aug 29, 2013
said Aug 29, 2013
gimme a sec :P
said Aug 29, 2013
Bringing dash-jumps onto the table eh? :p
said Aug 29, 2013
yea, would be great when i'd have more then 5% succeed chance there ._.
said Aug 29, 2013
Use a macro. I can give you the AHK file I use for that if you want.
said Aug 29, 2013
i need to forfeit right? :P
actually i have no huge problems with it, but here i dont know why its not working. thanks though!
said Aug 29, 2013
Ohhh I wish AHK existed on Mac ._.
said Aug 29, 2013
wait, what? no! no! don't use a macro... it's not that hard to dashjump consistantly, just practice. I'm personally 99% consistant with dashjumps..
said Aug 29, 2013
Its his keyboard setup that makes it hard for him I believe, not sure he wants to have to learn an entire new setup just to dash jump. :P
said Aug 29, 2013
I feel really really bad with using macros in any game (except MMO's), because it's pretty much cheating. But it's the fact that you have to be frame-perfect with both keystrokes which gets me...
That's an image of the keyboard I'm using - z is jump, control is dash
said Aug 29, 2013
For me personally I use my left pinky to dash and left middle finger to jump. As you might imagine, coordinating those two fingers of my non-dominant hand to hit the keys on the same frame is incredibly hard and downright random. I'm not too happy about the excuse myself, but that's the current state of affairs.
said Aug 29, 2013
Yeah, I'm using left ring & left middle for dashing & jumping.
said Aug 29, 2013
Just 2 things: It would have been cool to see the slopes all the time and u spawn in the air at one checkpoint, thats a bit annoying. Besides that fun map!
said Aug 29, 2013
Thanks! I'll keep those things in mind for my next map. As for the checkpoint, I thought I once heard somebody say it should be slightly off the ground... turns out I'm actually crazy.
said Aug 29, 2013
Actually, it's the other way around. People get real frisky when it's off the ground lol.
said Aug 29, 2013
Doh.. :(

Nice strat at the start by the way, I didn't even consider that.
said Aug 29, 2013
youre welcome :-)
said Aug 29, 2013
Neat flow, fun map. Most caveats are mentioned here, so I'll throw in another one: the camera is the default one, I think? You can't see the slopes sometimes, meaning it's tricky to aim for them.
said Aug 29, 2013
Yeah. I've heard scary things about the camera editor, so I avoided it for my first map. Unfortunately, it caused the vision problem. I'll definitely figure it out for next time.
said Aug 29, 2013
ooh its really easy. just pull the camera with [shift] through the whole map and your intended route and drag the frame bigger or smaller for different areas. if you have multiple routes it gets a bit trickier, you need to add some camera lines again with [shift]. thats actually all^^
said Aug 29, 2013
Cool, I didn't realize tracing the route with the camera tool was possible. I really like the concept of multiple routes or strats though, and I'd like to keep designing maps with that in mind. I'll play around with it now that I know it's not so scary though!
said Aug 29, 2013
i have no experience with multiple routes tbh, you probably need to test some of the other camera settings to get an optimal feeling :-)
said Aug 29, 2013
If you ever need help with something drop by on the irc. Most of us map-making nerds hang there all the time and can provide help :>
said Aug 29, 2013
Mainly Kuro though, he's the best out of all of us~
Metal Shadow
said Aug 29, 2013
I like it! The any% route is pretty fun.
Probably not Towelie
said Aug 29, 2013
Just a slightly larger camera would have been great, nice job though, especially for a first try.
said Feb 5, 2024
You really should have had a camera on this one. Cant see any drops, no idea who you think you are. End room too big also. You missed fog and ambience triggers too. Also might want to put your checkpoints in the ground buddy. Glad new people are getting into mapmaking though!

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