
by Byronyello
created Aug 4, 2013
504 views | 876 downloads

/ 20 votes

/ 9 votes

map notes
My 12th map. Map making is fun... but it's difficult. And time consuming. Similar to Grotto, this is designed to show off a cool set piece while simultaneously making up for the lack of Mansion maps. It's definitely easier than Grotto, presumably because this has the notable lack of a killer final section. It should still be fairly difficult - or, at least, the Easter egg should be. Have fun. :>


said Aug 4, 2013
i have issues with this map in a number of places. you frequently place slopes and then have spike that kill you if you slope boost well off of them.
said Aug 4, 2013
A cheekier man than I would say to slope-boost less well.
Probably not Towelie
said Aug 4, 2013
Would be nice if the people who are good at slope boosting wouldn't get burned. I see it in almost every level people make.
said Aug 4, 2013
Which parts? The only one that really punishes you is the part with the upward climb that I can think of, and if you hit dash as soon as you leave the wall you can get all the dust easy and avoid the spikes no matter how fast you go.
Probably not Towelie
said Aug 5, 2013
Oh I hadn't played it yet, I was going off of Bird of Prey's comment.
said Aug 5, 2013
Yeah that's fine, I was just curious which parts you guys had in mind is all. Guessing by how this level had 2 hearts earlier though that that's how most people feel. Ah well.
said Aug 4, 2013
Nice level!
There are some problems with the camera, but it remains a fun map.
said Aug 4, 2013
I noticed that in testing. The camera, in my opinion, is annoying to work with. It never seems to do what I want it to. Forgive me :(
said Aug 4, 2013
Really good level outside of the small camera problems! :)

Edit: Meant problems, not angles.
edited Aug 4, 2013

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