Chapter 1

by SINWillett
created Jun 29, 2013
462 views | 542 downloads

/ 15 votes

/ 11 votes

map notes
You are lost in a forest; where ever could you be? Where is the family you once cherished?

Welcome to the first chapter of the mysterious recollection saga!
Hey guys this is my first map so please give me constructive feedback. XD

It starts with a black screen don't move until you can see!
Thank you to Magnetbrain for help with creative and level design feedback.

Also to Twilight Sniper for ideas on the storyline.

Finally to SetH_Note for helping with some minor difficulties.
edited Jun 29, 2013


said Jun 29, 2013
i appreciate the creativity behind this map; it's quite a nice storyline and the level elements play nicely into the tale.

that being said, the gameplay is just not fun at all. it's weird, and the narrative elements (like the constant whiteouts) detract from the experience. i think this would have been much better as a dustless level. there are other exploration/story type maps that just have no dust, so the player is free to wander about as he or she wishes.
said Jun 29, 2013
I'll definitely consider a non dust level for chapter 2+ thanks
said Jun 29, 2013
As for the whiteouts (flash backs) I think I will put them into their own individual levels now
said Jun 29, 2013
I really liked this one.
My only problem is this loop:
And now everyone will see the any% route in my replay :(
said Jun 29, 2013
If you hold up and left you will be forced to the right and as soon as that happens hold down and right and you will maintain flow (is that your problem with it)
said Jun 29, 2013
2 pieces of criticism I'd like to point out:
- Trees with collision are very awkward elements due to their ambiguity. Is the collision only on the tree bark? Leaves too? Only part of the tree bark? Requires a frustrating amount of trial and error so something that should be really simple.
- The drop into the cave after the house part is unfair. All of the drops before this were safe, so you create a false sense of expectation from the player when you then throw him into this.

That said, the story idea is cool, and I thought about doing one myself. Looking forward to see what's next.
said Jun 29, 2013
With the Trees and collision I knew it was risky at the start but I tried it anyway if it doesn't work I'll leave it alone XD

The drop into the cave was supposed to seem unfair (look at this from a narrative perspective) it was symbolic of the unpredictability of the world the character was placed in

Sorry I'm more of a story writer then a level designer hahaha
said Jun 29, 2013
said Jun 30, 2013
when the screen goes to colour go right
said Jun 29, 2013
I want to see more story levels you guys this is pretty good
said Jun 30, 2013
haha thanks and I'm workin' on it
said Jun 30, 2013
Welp. I have spent over 20 minutes trying to finish this level. (My first run > 20 mins)  . . . I just cant play dustforce that well. Damnit.
said Jul 1, 2013
where are you getting stuck? perhaps one of us can help.
said Jul 1, 2013
Haha Right at the end, just before the giga wall.  Heh, I just need to practice. I really suck.
said Jul 2, 2013
if you get a good slope boost right before that, you can get to that part without using your aircharge. then you just jump around the corner. or just use dustkid.

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