What Once Was

by Seight
created Jun 26, 2013
879 views | 991 downloads

/ 33 votes

/ 11 votes

map notes
Best place holder name of all time! My attempt at something that doesn't look awful. I failed. You're -supposed- to be moving along some ruins of part of a city, but even I couldn't tell what this mess was supposed to be when I was done. Whatever though, I think it plays and flows fairly well and that's what I was mostly concerned about. Just pretend its not supposed to be anything and you'll never know the difference :D. I really need to just make abstract maps...

Once again I highly recommend reading below

This is a single route map, its 30-40 seconds long after you get the hang of it, and I'm -hoping- the path is clear enough that it doesn't confuse people. The beginning is really the only part I think that may make people scratch their heads. You have to ramp up, kill the 3 turkeys then fall back to where the ramp used to be, as you hit the next ramp HOLD UP so you'll glide to the next turkey. You'll understand what I mean when you play it. I put a ton of arrows in the area, and once again if all else fails just watch my run.

It should be doable with all characters pretty easily, Dustworth might be able to cheese a couple parts but I'm not good enough with him to figure it out.

Once again there are 2 any% runs, one's secret, but no Freeman this time.

Thanks again to African for showing me how to transform this from absolutely horrific into being playable, yay!

retagged Jun 28, 2013


said Jun 26, 2013
Hopefully its not horribly laggy this time.
Probably not Towelie
said Jun 26, 2013
Meh I can't figure out why I'm slower than you
said Jun 27, 2013
Keep at it, it can definitely be done much faster than my time. :P
said Jun 26, 2013
Man I can't do that hedgehog loop. :(
said Jun 27, 2013
Sorry Meark, all you have to do is hit jump as you slide up to the corner of the wall that leads to the porcupines, assuming you have enough speed you'll slide right to them. I probably should have left it with a 3rd porcupine like I had the first time.
said Jun 27, 2013
Pfffft it wasn't horrific, it was fairly playable from the start. I struggle with the same part Meark :P. I think i kinda got the hang tho. If you jump while in the corner it should send you far enough.
said Jun 27, 2013
flow was wonky at first blush but a little bit of practice sorted that out. good work man.
said Jun 27, 2013
Yeah, thats been my biggest problem with the editor so far, I can make a level that feels good to me, but only because I know how to do it and when I take a step back I realize for anyone else it feels weird and awkward, at least at first. Something I need to work on in the future...

Thanks though!
said Jun 27, 2013
Cool map dude, like this one a bunch. The length feels just right and it has nice flow.
said Jun 27, 2013
agree. tho i felt the end is awkward :P
said Jun 27, 2013
Nice run dood. Might try to take you out later. It's so hot today that dustforce overheats my computer really quick and then starts dropping frames like crazy lol.

edit: Your turn, nerd.
edited Jun 27, 2013
said Jun 27, 2013
why u do this. i really need to sleep but couldnt miss this challenge. that "nerd" got me :>
good night.
said Jun 27, 2013
Thats the same time I got when I was testing the map Superkid, I wonder if it can be done much faster. I'm sure Thor will be come and get it to sub 30 or something ridiculous though haha.

Edit:Never mind it can go lower!
edited Jun 27, 2013
said Jun 28, 2013
add some of thor's dashjumps and it can probably get below 31s :-)
said Jun 27, 2013
Nice map, nice flow!
said Jun 27, 2013
Thanks! :D
said Jun 28, 2013
Awesome map, flows really great. I had two minor caveats, but it's nothing much: I don't like forcing people to use their supers, which requires them to always have them at a certain point in the level. The wall with the big rock enemy next to it could've done with less spikes at the top, and it would've allowed with a few different strategies for that part. Also, I keep hitting the straight bits on that ramp you falls back down on at the start, which is frustrating because you can't always completely see it (it's at the start though, so no big deal).

Keep making these, they're awesome!
said Jun 28, 2013
I actually made that ramp just one long ramp when I was uploading the map because yeah, that is pretty annoying. Unfortunately I forgot to save it and it stayed this way. ><

But yeah I'll keep the super thing in mind thanks Tinker!
said Jun 28, 2013
> Dustworth might be able to cheese a couple parts

Yeah I'll just ignore that patch of dust, thanks

Please tag with "wiring" in addition to "ruins" :D
said Jun 28, 2013
Wait, what the heck? You can just miss that dust and still SS? But yeah thats what I figured you could do with him, neat run Dough. :P

I like that tag better!
said Jun 28, 2013
It's not the same glitch. Notice how at the end of his replay it displays AS, not SS. It's the replay recording that bugged and didn't register that light attack properly (it even jerks noticeably during that part).
said Jun 28, 2013
Haha, ok that makes more sense.
said Jun 28, 2013
Please kuroon

When did I ever ruin one of *your* dreams
said Jun 28, 2013
Don't worry dough your hacking ways will always be remembered in the tag <3.
said Jun 28, 2013
New route with Dustworth!
Not sure if it's really fast (probably not)...I beat only my previous time, but it's highly improvable.
edited Jun 28, 2013
said Jun 28, 2013
Haha nice job finding that! Wasn't sure anyone ever would. :P
edited Jun 28, 2013
said Jun 28, 2013
thats what im talking about! nice run :-)
cant even get near your time ..
edited Jun 29, 2013
said Jun 28, 2013
Theres a couple things that I -think- are faster, but I'm too lazy to grind it out haha.

Meh, screw it Imma give it a shot.
edited Jun 28, 2013
said Jun 29, 2013
dunno how to keep the speed up in this up and down light-attack part.
whatever i give up trying to beat you ^^
said Jun 29, 2013
Yeah that part can be kind of frustrating, it feels fairly luck based. The way I do it is try to get out the dashes asap after hitting one of the maids or butlers and make sure you get a dash out between each one. Basically doing that you just have to hope for the best and that it works. :(
said Jun 29, 2013
Hey Thor,
I used a dash-jump and I'm not first place.
something must be wrong here...
said Jun 29, 2013
The obvious answer is that you need 2 dash-jumps!
said Apr 21, 2015
This is the map that really got me into customs =)

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