
by Seight
created Jun 25, 2013
563 views | 838 downloads

/ 23 votes

/ 13 votes

map notes
Sorry had to reupload, apparently 500 layers of rain causes slowdown, who knew!

I forgot to copy/paste the notes so:

This is my first map, I'm no genius mapmaker so don't expect perfection. :(


This is a two route map, it may be confusing at first but give it a few tries and you should feel more comfortable with it. Basically you climb, then veer off onto one of two paths, either left or right. You'll do a complete circuit around the level then just special at the end! The paths should have really similar times between them. Made for Dustman/Dustgirl mostly, old man should be ok, dustkid may have some problems. There are two any% routes one is secret though, you'll have to find freeman!

Thanks to African for the help here, really appreciate his testing! Other than that GLHF!

Edit: When you're doing the Freeman any% you don't have to hug the wall after the beginning of the fall near the cave entrance. The deathzone is really thin and only covers the top part by the ledge.
edited Jun 25, 2013


said Jun 25, 2013
So so sorry guys, I forgot to save without all the rain the 2nd time. I'll get the hang of this yet...

Hoping that fixes it, otherwise gotta go back to the drawing board. ><
edited Jun 25, 2013
said Jun 25, 2013
map played just fine for me. cool idea, feels pretty weird the first time thru a lil.
said Jun 25, 2013
Yeah thats what I figured, was hard trying to get it to work both ways without it either being REALLY hard or REALLY easy haha.
said Jun 25, 2013
also i found the secret any% :D
said Jun 25, 2013
I knew you guys would find it pretty quick. xD
said Jun 25, 2013
AHH i tied my dustworth time with that route. grrrrr
said Jun 25, 2013
Should be faster with dustman/girl, I was getting like 11.5 when I was casually testing that route.
said Jun 26, 2013
I expected perfection, and i wasn't disappointed :D.
said Jun 25, 2013
lol i tried for 35 minutes to SS it again xD allright. i'll give it a third shot later.
said Jun 25, 2013
Really really sorry about that, just figured it was better that everyone could have fun with it in the long run and solve the problems early. ><

Thanks again though!
said Jun 25, 2013
dont be its no problem :-)
yea i wondered already that the second version was as laggy as the first one.
ure welcome.
said Jun 25, 2013
Did deleting the layers fix the problem? It never lagged for me so I can't tell.
said Jun 25, 2013
yep it did fine.
said Jun 25, 2013
Cool level though a tad too long and stretched out for me, I prefer more compact stuff. One thing you'll want to keep in mind is contrast between foreground and background. I found that the foreground was a bit hard to tell inside caves.
said Jun 25, 2013
Yeah I'm noticing from replays I made quite a few mistakes, the pathing seems to be really ambiguous to a lot of people from what I can tell. Thinking about it, I wish I had asked Magnet how he did the disappearing block thing in that blue pill/red pill level. That way I could have made certain slopes/ramps appear or disappear so it was more clear what you had to do when you were going a certain direction.

If I ever made another one it'd probably be a lot shorter and more straight forward.
edited Jun 25, 2013
said Jun 25, 2013
the disappearing block thing only works for background (non-collision layer) objects. you just make them turn into the color of the background using a trigger. for example, the false blocks in magnets level turned black (the color of the BG) when a certain trigger was hit.

this doesn't work for collision layer objects (i.e., things the player walks on/touches) because they're all on one layer. either they're all black or they're al visible. the only thing you could do is set it up so that tiles in layer 20 (the foreground layer) turn black so that the layer underneath gets covered.

check out spiceman's level "the sewer"; ( http://atlas.dustforce.com/731/the-sewer ), these triggered arrows might work better.
said Jun 25, 2013
That's disappointing, ah well its too late now to fix it up anyways.
said Jun 25, 2013
You should've asked me, haha. Happy to help anytime, just add me on Steam or catch me on the IRC. If there is one thing I discovered I am good at, it's hiding stuff.

Also, voxanimus. The background on that level had a slight blue/red tinge.
And, your question on reddit with dustforce skins on Mac. Right-click the .app, select "Show Package Contents". Dig around the folders in there (its in Resources I think). You'll find the sprites folder around somewhere...

I'm using Kirby on my MacBook haha
said Jun 26, 2013
oh sweeet thanks man
said Jun 26, 2013
No worries :D
said Jun 25, 2013
Please, make your deathpoints lower. Just because I didn't pick up enough speed from the slope I die here: http://oi43.tinypic.com/9ivex2.jpg I can easily jump up there but death so close.
said Jun 25, 2013
Ah sorry, never experienced that in testing. Every time I tried to play dustkid I just kinda die, she just feels so awkward to me so I never got that far in the level. :(
said Jun 26, 2013
Gotta say the left path feels a lot more natural to me than the right path, even after watching your replay. Very awesome map regardless.
said Jun 26, 2013
Judging by how many people went left I'd say you're not alone in that opinion haha.

said Jun 26, 2013
Decided to give it another go and take the left path just to show it could be done as fast as going right. Hopefully it'll help some people going that way with pathing.
edited Jun 26, 2013
said Jun 26, 2013
They both feel very fluent, not sure what causes the differentiation in peoples options, however it makes me very curious. Tbh tho, woulda gone without the hidden any% while its kinda fun in its own way i prefer running the other one and it just doesn't come out as fast. However after doing it several times it kinda grew on me.
said Jun 26, 2013
Yeah they were intended to be the same time, I was getting about 11.5 for hidden and 12 for normal in testing, but I didn't think you could dash jump like Tropicallo did over the spikes. My bad. :(
said Jun 26, 2013
Lol its no biggy.

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