Yotta Casual

by ShurykaN
created May 11, 2013
1836 views | 1211 downloads

/ 20 votes

/ 17 votes

map notes
Yotta Casual. The long awaited ending to the x-casual series.

Big thanks to everyone who gave me positive feedback on my other casual maps: TheBirdOfPrey, African, Steelecho, Marksel, Denferok, MavisMayham, Tinker, theimbecil, NoobSlayer and voxanimus. Also big thanks to people helping me on my stream: Takari, TheBirdOfPrey, Doughnation and GrizzlyWilly.

About Yotta Casual:
Exa Casual was released on March 3rd, more than two months ago. Yotta is a hard map to casualize. Firstly, it is four times longer than any other difficult. I tried to keep my other maps at around 20 seconds but this one is much longer. Secondly, I was kinda busy with other stuff. Thirdly, Yotta is just a weird level in general.

Reasons for making Casual Series:
At first I was bored. Then I decided to make a map. I was like, "what is fun? hiting prisms in the air." So I put a bunch of prisms in the air randomly. Then I was like "I should probably put these so they align with jumps." And then I was like people won't like this map because it's too bland and not colorful and just another prism hitting level. I know! I'll call it mega casual and rip off mega's color scheme.
Also big prisms are too hardcore for me.
I didn't like the idea of x-casual series because it feels sort of degrading to the actual x-difficults and like I'm stealing their ideas instead of making my own. However, I like it because I don't have to make up my own ideas, just modify other things slightly. A lot of my maps are based on levels in other games. Finally, it lets people who are not good enough to SS the difficults (read: me) to play these levels. That being said, Yotta Casual is a hard map.

About me:
I tried beating the x-difficults. I got SS's on Giga, Kilo and Exa and an SD on Yotta. Also I worked on doing any% runs but I am still like 10 minutes behind the world record so it seems futlie. I made a few other maps. I am taking a Japanese class right now. I stream a lot.

My stream:
I recorded making this map (if you skip to 1:37:00) http://www.twitch.tv/shurykan/b/401836552
I average between 0 and 3 viewers so it gets kinda boring when nobody talks in chat. Maybe I should spam the link to it more but I do that like every 4th post anyway LOL. For some reason I suck at fixing audio levels.

Anyway glhf.
edited May 21, 2014


said May 11, 2013
yes... I am a true casual gamer
said May 11, 2013
world first ss yotta casual do i get a prize now like the first 5 of yotta difficult? :D
edit: forgot to mention you did a good job on that one its really nice
edited May 11, 2013
said May 11, 2013
Yes you get a prize! I'll give it to you once I finish drawing it.
said May 11, 2013
yayyyyy woooooooooooohoooooooooooooooooo love you !!!!! <3
said May 11, 2013
But but but but.... I did the craziest strats, do I get prize too? :>
said May 11, 2013
Yes the first 5 SS get a prize from me. This means You, Syena, Dice and African all get prizes! There is still one prize remaining!
said May 11, 2013
so excited!!!!
said May 11, 2013
woohoo! :D
said May 11, 2013
Dice got a Hi from Shury! I am so jealous :<
said May 11, 2013
you can get a hi too if you visit the secret area :p
said May 11, 2013
you can get a yay too if you visit the other secret area ^_^
said May 11, 2013
said May 12, 2013
now officially my twitch profile picture. and atlas!!!
said May 12, 2013
Love it :D.
said May 11, 2013
I hate the Gigawall "fix" . They feel so awkward. D:
said May 11, 2013
Other then those bitch gigawalls, loved it. Took me forever to figure them out....
said May 11, 2013
said May 11, 2013
NEVERMIND...... I SITLL HAVEN'T FIGURED THESE OUT :O. Blarghghahgah. I get to them in about 1:16 seconds , then fuck em up D:
said May 11, 2013
BWHAHAHAHAHAHAH....... Those save strats. Keeping that run always and forever.

nvm fk... it was an A/S

EDIT: It's my any% ! WOohooooOOoo. The run saved :P.
EDIT2: WOOOOOWW... Desync D:.
edited May 11, 2013
said May 11, 2013
Your most casual map yet... good job!

also... virtual dustgirl pls :(
said May 11, 2013
Ghettowalls harder than gigawalls pls.

OK not really but they threw me for a loop.
edited May 12, 2013
said May 11, 2013
Yes really.... YES REALLY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
said May 11, 2013
Yo uhm btw shury, think that i pointed this out in Kilo too, but uhmm there's a small part missing spikes right before the mega tunnel :O.
said May 11, 2013
well I finally got a dustgirl ss, only took me 12 game crashes LOL.  also i followed your channel, i'll try to watch sometime now that my semester is over.
said May 11, 2013
Thanks! ahahaha dustgirl crashes. I normally only get one or two a day XD.
said May 11, 2013
HEY SHURYKAN! first off, i really appreciate the shoutout. you're an amazing mapmaker and i'm glad you appreciated my feedback.

secondly, and more importantly, i'm taking japanese classes too! would you like to practice together? i've been looking all over for a conversational partner.
said May 12, 2013
LOL I'm bad at Japanese I've only taken it for like a month. I can't read any kanji and only know half of the katakana letters.
said May 12, 2013
well, i can help you get better if you'd like.
said May 12, 2013
Did the prizes comment box like blow up or something? it loads with a bunch of errors on the page at that part. :O.
said May 12, 2013
said May 12, 2013
said May 12, 2013
Thanks I was kinda freaking out yesterday.
said May 12, 2013
I tried to open the level in the level editor and i still cant find how to get to the "other" secret area -_-
btw what is the unused part under the level?
said May 12, 2013
That's what I meant by the other secret area. If you get to the end of it there is a text trigger!
said May 12, 2013
Funny story, after failing on the original Yotta for 200+ game hours (reaching the final climb 40+ times without dying then failing over and over and over...) I was getting ready to quit the game for good just out of frustration, when I heard that Terra casual had just come out on Takari's stream. I decided to give custom maps a try and loved every minute of that map. I went through the other casuals and that's how I got hooked on custom levels.

So while I haven't played this map, nor do I plan to (fuck Yotta and anything related to it), I'd just like to thank you for this great series of maps.
said May 12, 2013
Cmon now, give it a shot. We all know you're good enough to do it.
said May 12, 2013
This is definitely the yotta that my casual self needs, nay, deserves.
said May 13, 2013
Hmm... I still haven't actually attempted the any% on yotta difficult, but the any% on casual is really fun, haha.
said May 13, 2013
Also, wow i think this is the most commented map on the atlas now o.O.
said May 13, 2013
That's what caused that weird comment bug earlier yesterday.
said May 28, 2013
I have stolen that title... muahaha :D
said Jun 29, 2013
Not entirely sure i would count it considering most of them are rage and hate comments LOOOOOOOOL.
said May 13, 2013
Huzzah, let it continue to grow :D.
said May 13, 2013
Description 10/10, would read again
said May 18, 2013
i fell down at the first part of the map, and guess what i found...
said May 18, 2013
quite not real but based on..
said Jun 21, 2013
I finally got to the end.... I am a casual gamer!!!..... it feels like a big accomplishment... not sure I will ever beat the versions in the game
said Jun 20, 2023
Thank you for the wonderful landscapes in your levels.

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