Velocity Redux

by bengarrr
created Feb 3, 2013
492 views | 666 downloads

/ 12 votes

/ 10 votes

map notes
Now SSable! With fancy camera works and see-able routes. In all seriousness I tried to overcome some of the shortcomings of this map's last iteration: checkpoints, lack of direction, poor visibility, etc. I really like where its at now, should be fun!

P.s. air control and down dash
edited Feb 3, 2013


said Feb 3, 2013
well, it's instantly better now that it isn't yellow.
said Feb 3, 2013
lol, yeah...never again
said Feb 3, 2013
Well i figured out the any% route :D
said Feb 3, 2013
Not bad, shame the start is pretty tough to learn, as that'll initially scare people away from attempting to ss this.
Kaiser Cat
said Feb 3, 2013
This really is a beautiful level. I just wish I was better at the game so I could enjoy it fully.
said Feb 4, 2013
This is really hard to read. Lots of places where I can't tell if it's a platform/dust/foreground unless I stare at it for a couple of secs.
said Feb 4, 2013
this map is fun. the only thing i dont really understand is why you thought the yellow one wasnt SSable? i just did SS on the yellow one.
said Feb 4, 2013 was SSable except you had clean dust where I didn't want there to be dust in the first place. Most people would miss it (including myself) and then subsequently not SS it.
said Feb 4, 2013
Launch map -> see platforms in the background that are exactly the same color as platforms you can stand on -> exit map.

Your maps would be fun if i could see what I was doing, not having ANY contrast between background and foreground makes it frustrating as hell and makes me not want to play it in the first place.
said Feb 4, 2013
Hmm, well the parallax on the background is supposed to mitigate that but I guess it doesn't. I guess I find novelty in trying to kind of guess where my next move should be, but I could see how that be annoying for someone who doesn't want to constantly play the level over and over again. I think another Velocity Redux is coming :P
said Feb 6, 2013
Use the fog triggers to make the background more faint than the foreground - it's easy to do and looks really good.
Kaiser Cat
said Feb 4, 2013
Not my most graceful SS ever, but I'll take it.
said Feb 4, 2013
Nice! Your route made my eyes go wide, that was some incredibly creative dusting :D
said Feb 5, 2013
Welp, I finally went back and SS'd this map.  Aside from the first fickle dust tunnel the rest is easy.  I'm a bit disappointed that my old any% route is completely blind now though :S.

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