Locker Room
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One more level of my unofficial Dustforce world the School. Hallways was a normal level, Restroom was a silver, now the Locker Room would be a gold key door rank. Though not as hard compared to some other official levels (The Difficults namely.), it still presents it's own kind of challenge. Once again not as many secrets but it has about two. One secret leading to a bigger one. Both of them are a bit difficult to get to but easy to spot, like the usual. I'll say I had a lot of fun making this level and also test running it. I didn't state it in the other descriptions for my levels but I test each one with all four characters to see if its doable. Dustman, Dustgirl, and Dustworth can get through pretty well, Dustkid is a different story. A long vertical segment was pretty hard to get past with Dustkid unless you figured out a good strategy (Mine helped but really slowed me down), so I put up a little area for people trying to speed run with Dustkid if they don't care for SSing it. I'd say use Dustkid and take the SS path if you'd want a challenge, though.
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