Locker Room

by KalvinHobbez
created Nov 26, 2012
421 views | 555 downloads

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map notes
One more level of my unofficial Dustforce world the School. Hallways was a normal level, Restroom was a silver, now the Locker Room would be a gold key door rank. Though not as hard compared to some other official levels (The Difficults namely.), it still presents it's own kind of challenge. Once again not as many secrets but it has about two. One secret leading to a bigger one. Both of them are a bit difficult to get to but easy to spot, like the usual. I'll say I had a lot of fun making this level and also test running it. I didn't state it in the other descriptions for my levels but I test each one with all four characters to see if its doable. Dustman, Dustgirl, and Dustworth can get through pretty well, Dustkid is a different story. A long vertical segment was pretty hard to get past with Dustkid unless you figured out a good strategy (Mine helped but really slowed me down), so I put up a little area for people trying to speed run with Dustkid if they don't care for SSing it. I'd say use Dustkid and take the SS path if you'd want a challenge, though.


said Nov 27, 2012
Your best map so far. The only drawback I can think of is the fact that the foreground and background sometimes blur together when going fast making it harder on the eyes. Also, try incorporating some slope boosting. Other than that really nice map.
edited Nov 27, 2012
said Nov 27, 2012
Rad map, I really like the style of it - never seen anything like that before. The bit in your screenshot there felt a little out of place in terms of difficulty, but otherwise it was great!
said Nov 27, 2012
Thanks for the input! I apologize for the rather hard section near the end but I was going for a last difficult area before the end. I felt as if the level didn't entirely qualify as a gold level so I added in that area. One thing I didn't note was that I tried to incorporate a level design style I don't see often: Dashing off a wall. Most levels have you jump off a wall. Well the Locker Room has you try to go against that urge and instead dash. You could see that part pretty obviously in that hard section. Also, slope boosting was a term brought up before on my Hallways level. I do admit I may abuse the whole dash down onto a slope and end with a ramp rather than harnessing the power of slope dashing. These are my first levels, so they may not have that, but seeing my mistake I will try to have an even mix of both slope boosting and ramps!
said Nov 27, 2012
It's not a bad section, I just felt the difficulty of the level was somewhat inconsistent. Keep making levels, they rule!
said Nov 27, 2012
Heh consistency may become a problem of mine but I bet I'll smooth it out. I actually watched a replay where a guy got to that section and you could see him obviously stop in his tracks and contemplate on how in the world he will pull it off. He was using Dustworth so I did worry for him, that section is possibly the hardest with him. I'll keep on making levels though, they are pretty darn fun! My main problem is level design uniqueness, I lose out of ideas quickly...
said Nov 27, 2012
Just to add to the whole wall dash hard part. Its a really neat part of the level. You can do it slowly by dashing of the right wall and the sliding down, you can dash of the right wall into a light attack and drop down or you can just jump straight into the left wall without the dash, light attack and drop down. Each method is increasingly difficult and really give room for saving time. The last one is super stylish though very hard to pull off in an actual run :(
said Nov 27, 2012
That is actually one thing I would have enjoyed seeing when it came to that section, or more so the whole level itself. Mainly seeing how people finish it. Heck, I enjoy that in any level I make. I've seen this one replay by a guy who happens to SS all of my current levels, he actually does the method you spoke of. I never really thought of it that way, I'd usually land on the wall rather than light attack. Attacking to get rid of dust on a wall usually isn't habit for me anyways. I do like how the last segment is satisfying once pulled off, it's an interesting concept.
said Nov 28, 2012
That one guy is me ;P
said Nov 28, 2012
Oh I thought your steam profile name you had on your profile here applied to your Dustforce name, heh. I can see you sometimes check out my replays and see what shortcuts I took, like using that alternative method in the Restroom when you had to hit the birds! Though it is rather fun seeing someone run my levels so quickly! Are my levels just that easy or you'd consider yourself a bit pro or something? None the less you have obvious skills when it comes to speed.
said Nov 28, 2012
Your levels aren't easy, I would even say they are hard for the average racers. Either way I enjoy SSing maps I like. Also, it seems a lot other racers are on a hiatus since normally you see more players going for top times.
said Nov 28, 2012
Would you say they aren't easy for a good reason or they aren't due to fake difficulty? Fake difficulty as in awkward jumps and badly placed obstacles or something. I'll be making more maps soon, though. Most likely ones that have more well defined slope dashing segments because people seem to be all crazy about that feature, heh. There should be more people? I was surprised I even had 10 people trying my map out. I guess I'm rather pessimistic so that would be common yet it helps knowing that my negativity was wrong for once :)
said Nov 29, 2012
Locker room is pretty much perfect in terms of how challenging the map is without having frustrating segments. Restroom was harder due to its length and the fact that the last part of the level required precise jumping.
said Nov 29, 2012
Odd, I'd rate the Locker Room as being a bit harder usually, but your point does make me reconsider that. The last section of the Restroom could rival the last part of the Locker Room due to the main length of it. I think it was also you who, in your SS replay, skipped one of those last enemies and saved him for the super. I never even though of that when making the level! I do agree the Restroom is technically harder, then. I actually wanted the Restroom to be a bit of a longer level because my other two seemed a bit too short compared to most official levels. I'm actually planning on a very hard level soon. Since I'm making an unofficial world based off the official ones I'll have two special levels each world has. A fighting one and a Temple. Fighting like Alleyway, Wild Den, Storage Room, and Containment. Temple as in Night Temple, Moon Temple, Concrete Temple, and Core Temple. Yeah the Forest has Overgrown Temple too but it's a silver level so I guess it won't count. My fighting level would be the "Janitor's Closet" while the temple I might call "Paper Temple" or something. I also had the idea for a level called the "Classroom" that actually utilizes the apple in it. It's a school theme so an apple level I wanted to try sometime. It won't exactly be flying across pits with it everywhere, but possibly jumping up walls and hitting apples in the wall to keep your jumps up or something. Interesting concept to work with, what do you think of it? :3
said Nov 27, 2012
This was not nearly as homoerotic was I was hoping it would be.
said Sep 19, 2014
Woohoo Finally got Top best time! Nice map!
said Jun 26, 2023
Thanks to you, the game becomes even more addictive. Thanks a lot!

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