
by Probably not Towelie
created Sep 1, 2013
913 views | 1150 downloads

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/ 24 votes

map notes
Just a quick tutorial level I threw together spur of the moment. It contains quite a few if not all of the difficult "strats" needed to complete certain levels. I made this to help players practice and maybe even discover these useful techniques for later use. If I left out an important one, please let me know (other than dash-jumping and spike-jumping). Have fun!
edited Feb 14, 2019


said Sep 1, 2013
Nice way to learn some of these less used techniques!
said Sep 1, 2013
too hard
Probably not Towelie
said Sep 1, 2013
I did make a reference to it's difficultly in the second text box ;)
said Sep 1, 2013
Woah, as someone who mainly uses Dustkid, I learned a lot from this!

I also like this map is still SS'able despite the use of deathbox checkpoints (and that it's not really the aim of this map, but neither is Tutorial so yeah).
said Sep 1, 2013
pretty cool. i missed the dashjump though :P
said Sep 1, 2013
I used a dash jump near the end at the first piece of dust in the map !!!
said Sep 1, 2013
OMG I finally understand how to get past those zitrone jumps thank you Towelie for finally explaining it properly
said Sep 1, 2013
man i wish this was a bit longer... too fun to play
said Sep 1, 2013
I was able to cheese the backwards swipes with dash jumping, but other than that I really liked this.  Felt good to be able to get to the end. ^_^
said Sep 1, 2013
Why would you cheese with a method that's harder to execute than the intended?
said Sep 1, 2013
I didn't know that dash jumping was harder.  I can't get the timing down for the backward swipe, so I dash jump.  I know how to do a dash jump reliably.
Probably not Towelie
said Sep 1, 2013
Well this is a practice map you know.
said Sep 1, 2013
Oh I know.  Suppose I should have said I have trouble doing to the backward swipe, more so than the dash jump.

Though I was practicing the backward swipe and am now able to do it consistently.  Thanks for making this. :D
Probably not Towelie
said Sep 1, 2013
Anytime, always happy to help :)
said Sep 1, 2013
I'm really bad at backward swipes so I dash jumped instead. xD Guess I'll just use this to practice those backward swipes though.
said Sep 2, 2013
Very nice map. Always wanted for someone to create this kind of level. Only thing I would change is highlight specific spots where you should perform the dashes/jumps with a different color.
said Sep 4, 2013
Really helpful! Sad to think I didn't know some of these tricks even after 200 hours of dustforcing haha.

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