
by OldSoulCyborg
created Oct 6, 2012
519 views | 700 downloads

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/ 6 votes


map notes
Just a little experiment, not quite finished. Tested mostly with Dustman, but should be doable with the others.

Do what the level name tells ya! There is an end to the map, but it's not really the point. If you can help it please don't try to go for a faster time after your first time finishing it, I'm very interested to see the paths people take through the level on their first time through.


said Oct 6, 2012
Sorry, but not going for a fast time is like telling me not to breath.
said Oct 6, 2012
Definitely not doable with Dustgirl :p

The way to end is the first thing I tried, it seemed an obvious exploratory route. I didn't kill the enemy at the end then though.
said Oct 6, 2012
It's definitely doable with Dustgirl, just checked it myself.
Could you check your replay Tinker? It's not playing right for me, some kind of sync issue or something.
said Oct 6, 2012
Getting to the ending is possible, but I got stuck on a lot of the branching paths. It might just be my ineptitude though :p

Replay is broken for me, too :(
said Oct 6, 2012
I checked all the map just now and couldn't find anything you can't get to with Dustgirl.
Where exactly did you get stuck? Did you get into the cave down the hill and get past the pit with the ceiling that has a bit cut out of it? There's a jump right after that that's kind of hard to do and requires a trick I haven't ever needed to do in any other level I've played (although I made sure you can slip past the thorny rocks underneath if the jump proves to be too difficult).
said Oct 6, 2012
I couldn't get up the bit in the bell tower bit where there's a corner you have to get up a wall, then a ceiling, and then a hole in the ceiling early on (Dustgirl didn't get high enough for me), and I couldn't jump the initial long spike jump in the cave. But yeah, I completely believe you guys and blame it on my own ineptitude :p
said Oct 6, 2012
It is doable with dustgirl, but I had to spikejump to go out of a cavern. My replay was 17 minutes though so the server did not save it, sorry.

These kind of maps can be interesting and original. Yours doesn't look finished yet though. I saw two closed paths marked with exclamation points and a character who told me "Blank".

It was frustrating to have a path bringing you back at the beginning without warning, you have to redo a whole part of the map. Also a very complicated cavern where you have to do slide jumps ends up in a disappointing dead end.

Try and put little easter eggs all around your map like in the official maps. Apples or something, with a little text. It's much more interesting than just nothing at the end of a path.
said Oct 6, 2012
The text box doesn't work for me anymore, can't change what it says. Should have just removed it.

And there are easter eggs in the form of various structures, vistas and hidden locations. I put a lot of effort into making places look unique and special, reward exploration with a cool looking backdrop or a fun area to play around in.
But yes, it's unfinished (as I said in the description) and there are too many dead ends at the moment. The plan was (and still is, I'm not done with this) to have multiple paths criss-crossing all over the map. Exploration has been one of my favorite things about games since I played a Link to the Past on the SNES and I wanted to make a different sort of Dustforce level that focused entirely on that.
said Oct 8, 2012
If you click on the text box and press "Enter", you can start typing in it.
said Oct 8, 2012
There is no text box. If I'm right in assuming it should appear on the left part of screen where the settings for all the other triggers appear.

Scratch that, I figured it out. Thanks.
said Oct 6, 2012
it's perfectly doable with dustgirl without spikejumps or anything.
Thesame goes for the rest of the characters.
said Oct 6, 2012
This was quite the entertaining map.  Though I was unable to get to all areas of the map, it was still fun to explore the place.  There should be more maps like this.
C. Cleveland
said Oct 7, 2012
cool idea. next map i plan to make will be something similar. an exploring map with nice visuals and a vague story. maybe even different areas to complete.
said Oct 7, 2012
If you like this, I suggest you take a look at http://nifflas.ni2.se/?page=Knytt+Stories
C. Cleveland
said Oct 8, 2012
nice dude. i love nifflas games already :D
said Oct 8, 2012
Super Administrator
said Oct 12, 2012
Awesome level and concept, was fun taking time to enjoy the visuals and also exploring

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