Twin Temples

by Denferok
created Sep 27, 2012
680 views | 886 downloads

/ 23 votes

/ 17 votes

map notes
SS'able as every character
Cameras are a bit clunky because it's my first map, sorry about that.

EDIT: I forgot to make the killbox for the knight smaller, you can still get past it though.
retagged Jun 8, 2014


said Sep 27, 2012
Insidiously creative!  There's some neat stuff here that I haven't seen before.  I would've given you 5 hearts if it hadn't been for that infernal treasure chest/spikes part.  I hate those so much!!

Otherwise, it looks great and has a nice flow.  The camera is great for your first try; Usually people just leave it out altogether.  Keep it up!
said Sep 27, 2012
Thanks, yeah I wasn't too proud of the chest but there is an "easy" way to do it. I will keep these things in mind for my next map.
said Sep 27, 2012
Took me like 10 minutes on that part, but i figured out the easy way is to do a down-light, then followed by a bunch of left-light attacks.
said Sep 27, 2012
Oh man what a cool map! I especially like the part where you have to use knight's shield as a way of crossing some ground. Really good level design, but bloody hard lol!
said Sep 27, 2012
Thanks! I actually forgot to add a few things like clouds and making the killbox smaller so you don't land on it and there's actually easy way for almost every part of the level. You just gotta find them :) (or watch my replay lol)
said Sep 27, 2012
LOL, I tried doing an alternative route where you skip the hit the knights shield part. Now in the replay the camera goes totally freaking mad xD
said Sep 27, 2012
Lmao! I didn't even know that could happen xD
said Sep 27, 2012
Super Administrator
That any% route is sweet!
said Sep 28, 2012
Glad you liked it :)
said Sep 28, 2012
This is great, lots of cool ideas and sweet execution.
said Sep 28, 2012
Cool map. Found a very reliable technique for the chest part, though its slow I managed to beat your time : P
said Sep 28, 2012
Super fun!
said Sep 28, 2012
I must say that this is one of the best designed maps I've seen on here. Crazy inventive and a lot of fun.
said Sep 28, 2012
Very much appreciated, thank you very much.
said Sep 30, 2012
Greenman takes the SS!
said Oct 24, 2012
Dustworth breaks the map and takes the #1 spot!

...sorry. =)
said Oct 24, 2012
Wow that was crazy! Nicely done :D!
said Mar 17, 2013
Best route ever!!

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