Mountain hills

by flora green
created Oct 8, 2017
385 views | 609 downloads

/ 8 votes

/ 1 vote

map notes
Final version of this map, i'm not gonna do any more changes to it except if a major flaw is found.
Sorry for the reuploads, I felt like improving the map due to the feedback i got and did it as fast as i could. I do most of the testing myself, and don't really have anyone who is up for testing (with the exception of Angrevol now and then).
retagged Nov 23, 2017


said Oct 9, 2017
dont upload the same map 3 times it screws up the leaderboards lol
flora green
said Oct 9, 2017
i got a lot of feedback that told me to change stuff.
so i fixed it and reuploaded as fast as i could.
edited Oct 9, 2017

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