Short but salty

by Temmie
created Jun 7, 2017
392 views | 750 downloads

/ 4 votes

/ 3 votes

map notes
A VERY short level that is kinda hard.-


said Jun 7, 2017
Fun with kid, isn't too hard but not too easy, as well as a stupid frame tie for wr whats not to love! could use a bit of art work but simple things are not really bad art is just always nice to look at. Nice work.
said Jun 8, 2017
No platform beneath the final prism.

Salty for all the wrong reasons. :(
said Jun 8, 2017
Platform below the final prism would both remove the silly blind drop deaths at the end & stop you from dying-respawning over and over after ending the level.

Besides that, gameplay is nice

Artwise might've been an idea to have prism/player in a different colour, to make things more easily distinguishable, but overall not a big deal.
said Jun 15, 2017
Thanks for the level Mr. Temmie ^^

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