The Jaunt

by C
created May 19, 2017
513 views | 588 downloads

/ 16 votes

/ 5 votes

map notes
This map has a slight "puzzle" element to it, so you'll probably have to play it a few times to figure out what to do.
retagged May 20, 2017


said May 20, 2017
said May 21, 2017
Shin Rekkoha
said May 20, 2017
I'm making a note here: HUGE SUCCESS!

Whatever, this is the only truly fun exploration map ever made.  None of the ones before compare to this one; AND it comes with an included single-screen map at no extra cost to the consumer.  I kinda wish the portals in the single screen were labelled someway with which one went to which, but I guess for your theme you wanted it to be trial and error.  If we're being literal, that IS how science gets done.  It doesn't really hurt the map once you know what to do.
said May 21, 2017
Some wires/pipes connecting the portals wouldn't have been a bad idea, but figuring out which one goes where was supposed to be half of the fun.
In fact, the only reason I put any arrows in was because the map was part of the cmr.
edited May 21, 2017
said May 21, 2017
Did you mean
This map has a "slight" puzzle element to it
said May 21, 2017
I guess it can be really challenging if you've never played it before.
said May 21, 2017
Certainly.. new
said May 21, 2017
You don't seem to be impressed.
said May 21, 2017
This is amazing. I actually went and spent more time playing 'everything else' than the actual map. (as a note: The camera sorta goes crazy if you try playing the regular level shrunken down.)
said May 21, 2017
Glad you enjoyed it, I tried to make it interesting to explore.

I'm not sure there's a way to fix the camera.
You'd need to be able to have an entirely separate set of cameras, or disable them entirely when you're scaled down.
Unfortunately though you can't do either of those things.
said May 21, 2017

Finally a map that uses the ZScale trigger, I love it
said May 21, 2017
I've been toying with the idea of a dustmod map ever since you mentioned these features to me.

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