
by Hoshikudaki
created Jul 12, 2012
369 views | 658 downloads

/ 7 votes

/ 5 votes

map notes
Update to my previous level where I improved some visuals and changed some areas where you can go off map.

Added 2 extra easter egg areas and changed the text on another one.

Edit: Seems like publishing the map affects some triggers so that the stars are only visible on the top half of the screen.
edited Jul 12, 2012


said Jul 12, 2012
Super Administrator
Not supposed to go over there, am I?!  Well, take that.
said Jul 12, 2012
You love that route don't you. I guess I'll have to be extra careful for my next map... or make secret shortcut ;p
said Jul 12, 2012
I saw some serious shit.
said Nov 27, 2012
Whoa! Just......whoa. This is an incredible map! It must have taken you a long time to make :). My only gripe was when I defeated one of the gargoyles near the top of the castle area, the dust it left behind fell below the floor to the other side. As Dustkid, I didn't have a chance trying to hit the floor to get at it ^^;. Otherwise, this was perfect :D!

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