
by AvengedRuler
created Mar 28, 2017
365 views | 635 downloads

/ 8 votes

/ 3 votes

map notes
A single screen version of the classic difficult map orage made by Magnetbrainn (original map here  All checkpoints are possible with all charcters and ive put some more effort into make sure it flows relativly well with all characters.

Special thanks to indapop for playtesting most of the gameplay, aswell as giving me ideas and encouraging creativity.  Special thanks to sleuth and timmy for doing worth and kid testing for me.

Ive been holding onto this map for a while i really hope you enjoy it.
edited Sep 6, 2020

1 comment

said Mar 28, 2017
I thought it was pretty good.  I don't like those pointy dustblock things, but that's what the original map had.

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