The apple adventure

by spiceman
created Jul 2, 2012
1023 views | 1222 downloads

/ 19 votes

/ 10 votes

map notes
A demo of what could be a larger adventure type map. It's not really designed for SS'ing, because I went for a more 'exploration' approach, but it is possible. I added a little apple based storyline just to give a purpose to the lengthy map, but this will definately change in the final version. Anyway, all feedback and comments will be appreciated. Enjoy ^.^


said Jul 2, 2012
Really great map. I didnt even bother with SS, just enjoyed the map. Its super fun :)
said Jul 2, 2012
Thanks! I was hoping people would play it like that (:
said Jul 2, 2012
Super Administrator
Oh man, this is awesome!  I was really hoping someone would make a map like this.  I like the occasional branching paths and the awesome visuals.  Can't wait to see more!
said Jul 2, 2012
I'm glad you like it! I think I'll add more branching paths and multiple routes in future, to give it more of an exploration feel.
said Jul 2, 2012
Beautiful map, it's really great what about details in the beginning, but it needs music in the warehouse/mansion and less boring moments (also needs more details)
said Jul 2, 2012
Thanks for the feedback, I'll definately keep this in mind. This is just a rough version, and I only quickly added the music about a minute before I published it, so I'll definately put in more. And don't worry, I'll make the boring bits funner, it's on my to-do list ^.^
said Jul 3, 2012
I am eagerly awaiting!
said Jul 4, 2012
That's great and all, but I'm stumped on what to do next :P
Got any ideas for new areas or environments I could add?
said Jul 3, 2012
Really awesome!
said Jul 4, 2012
C. Cleveland
said Jul 3, 2012
its pretty good. i like the flow.. wishin it was longer tho. and had exploration in it. seems linear at the moment
edited Jul 3, 2012
said Jul 4, 2012
Yeah I know what you mean. I'll try add more paths and secret areas.
said Jul 3, 2012
I love how you used the diffuse light of those backdrop props to give the foreground that neat glowing effect.  I might steal that idea :)
said Jul 4, 2012
Be my guest :D
said Sep 25, 2012
Fell through the map. After the dungeons, when you have to climb the cliff with the spikes.
said Jan 12, 2013
Love the map, its great to see a totally different map out there. I didn't even know you could do the whole key thing it opens up a lot of different possibilities. I'll definitely be on the look out for anything else you do. Great work i had fun with it.

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