Subterranean Shortcut

by aSwedishMagyar
created Feb 26, 2016
424 views | 3626 downloads

/ 12 votes

/ 5 votes

map notes
So I made another level and decided to try my luck at decorating it. Some tips would be nice as I kinda skimped on the interior of the cave and the background inside looks pretty bare.


said Feb 26, 2016
tight and beautiful
said Feb 26, 2016
Feels a lot like a Towelie map. Flows well, is fun, and is very calming. As for the art, I really liked it. I think the bareness fits accordingly with the style of the map.

The beginning seems to be Dustkid locked though, unless I'm just bad.
said Feb 26, 2016
Thanks man! Yeah the beginning is Dustkid locked because he cant make the gap, I'm pretty bummed I didn't test with all characters or I would have changed some things.
said Feb 26, 2016
It's not Dustkid locked.

Calistus reverse your 1-bomb.
said Feb 26, 2016
Really? It felt like I was boosting pretty well. I could get a handful of pixels away, but never actually make it.

Edit: welp, giamma just showed me wrong.
edited Feb 27, 2016
said Feb 27, 2016
love it
said Feb 27, 2016
I felt something was off after my first runthrough, then I realised there was no dust. Levels look kinda weird when theres no dust in places you'd expect to see some (not a bad thing btw). Overall I really enjoyed it.
said Feb 27, 2016
Yeah I neglected to put dust in it because I felt it added a fun element of trying to keep combo while going through the level.
said Feb 27, 2016
looks awesome, i find its a little bit hard to know where i'm supposed to go, the camera doesn't lead you very much. But overall pretty good.
said Feb 27, 2016
Yeah I'm still new at this so my routing will probably be unclear until I get a better understanding of leading with the camera. Thanks man.
said Feb 28, 2016
I enjoyed this map a lot. It kinda felt character locked but it presented a nice flow for Dustman. I liked some of the varied challenges like jumping directly after a slope etc... Nice job Swedish :)
Shin Rekkoha
said Feb 28, 2016
Very cool map.  I can see why people say it's like a Towelie map.  You're clearly understanding the editor a lot more now.  One thing I'd like to add is that some boulder props or little foliage props on the rocks can help break up the big sections of "wall" that are on the edges of most maps.  Big flat sections of one tile will contrast noticeably with the interior of a map, especially one well-decorated like this.
said Feb 28, 2016
Thanks for the tips man, I'll put it to use in my next map. Probably will stream that one too.

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