Enchanted Forest

by Meark
created Jan 16, 2016
692 views | 838 downloads

/ 31 votes

/ 9 votes

map notes
This map was supposed to be part of that season themed CMR, but I wasn't able to complete it in time for the race. It was supposed to represent a summer night in the forest. I hope you guys enjoy.


said Jan 16, 2016
I was gonna try to make more maps and do another map pack, but school is around the corner and making levels is still tough so I thought I'd publish these two for now. Hope you guys enjoy.
Shin Rekkoha
said Jan 16, 2016
Great map.  This is a perfect example of how you put things together in ways that I just can't think of, like the point tips of those background trees being not made of props at all.  The map even has shooting stars.  The tent at the end is also super cool.
said Jan 16, 2016
Thanks Shin. It's been my favorite way to make trees since Battlefield. Also it was a bit hard to make the shooting stars look like shooting stars. I hope they turned out okay.
Shin Rekkoha
said Jan 16, 2016
They're subtle enough that I didn't notice until I stopped while exploring, and I was in line with one of their fog triggers.  So I don't know if that's good or bad, but they're very subtle.
said Jan 16, 2016
super fun flow in this one, i love it
said Jan 16, 2016
I keep watching your run and I'm so amazed at how fast you've done it.
said Jan 16, 2016
At first I was like "whoa look at all these sweet new levels" then I was like "Oh, I've just made it to the Meark page", then I came to the realization that Meark made sweet new levels.
said Jan 17, 2016
I still have some other sweet levels in the works too. :3
said Jan 16, 2016
flows like a river
said Jan 17, 2016
Go with the flow
said Jan 17, 2016
Wow 2 amazing maps in a row...how do you resist the temptation to upload a map when is finished? xD

Love the setting of this map and it's very fun also to grind.
Shooting stars are a great touch of class, they are perfect imo.
said Jan 17, 2016
I actually completed them in the same day. I already had them mostly done before but never got around to finishing them. And thank you, I'm glad you enjoyed it. :D
said Jan 17, 2016
Just played again for the first time in 6 months or so :)), can't resist Meark maps
said Jan 17, 2016
Just in time hahaha. It's kind of funny, my last map I published was 5 months ago.
said Jan 17, 2016
Got stuck on the porcupine rock lol.
said Jan 17, 2016
Sorry, I guess I accidentally made a clip in that rock. My bad. o:
said Jan 17, 2016
figured out the secret behind the weird any% boost. very clever
said Jan 17, 2016
Tiny boosts can go a long way. :P
said Jan 22, 2016
said Jan 30, 2016
This is super cute
said Sep 6, 2019
very fun and easy 4 noobs like me

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