Maple Syrup

by ZappBrannigan
created May 21, 2015
529 views | 633 downloads

/ 14 votes

/ 8 votes

map notes
Mapler slides!

I'm pretty sure I tested every part with every character, except for the zetta slope with dustworth. I didn't bother because I really couldn't care less if he can beat the level or not, since he makes too many parts easier for my comfort. In other words, it is definitely possible to SS. I probably can't get S-rank finesse, but I'll try to get an S-rank clean at some point.

Most of the parts are impossible without doing a mapler slide. If you don't know what that is, well, frankly you probably can't beat this map, but it's when you start a ceiling run by holding up, and then just after that you press the direction your momentum is carrying you. It (usually) gets you a little further and gives you different speed at different parts of the ceiling run, at least if you do it right.

I hope this is fun! Let me know what you think.

edit: sigh I didn't think through one of my checkpoints, and just realized as I hit a prism and then hit the checkpoint. I'm sorry, that's just going to make it harder to do normal S-completes

edit 2: I'm gonna redo it but I got halfway through and accidentally didn't save what I did to the zetta slope... and I don't think that I want to go back again right now. Next version probably in 2 days since tomorrow's busy for me. Next one will probably be called "Even Mapler Syrup"
edited May 21, 2015


Shin Rekkoha
said May 21, 2015
Mapler Syrup.

I loaded into the map and immediately my eyes hurt.

The dust on the first zetta is placed too far up the slope so you have to hang further left when you land on it and get a sub-optimal slope boost if you want S-completion, which makes me sad.

Somehow the "second"? checkpoint trigger box is placed totally wrong, since I retried that section about 80 times respawning at the top of the Zetta slope and then on one of my deaths, randomly started respawning right by the spike pit.  Of course, that checkpoint is even worse since it spawns you way down on the edge, forcing you to backtrack by walking up the slope and then attempt the 3 mapler slides again.
edited May 21, 2015
said May 21, 2015
yeah... that's not the "second" checkpoint after all, it's one that I thought I'd put in for the any% route, since it's really annoying to spawn all the way at the top of the big slope. The hitbox is definitely wrong. I think I'll also change the colors a bit, and maybe make a few smaller changes.

Do people generally fix things, delete an old map, and upload a new one when stuff like this happens?
Shin Rekkoha
said May 21, 2015
It depends on the map and the problem, but most people seem to like keeping the old versions up just to preserve the leaderboards, for the people who put in the effort on them.  Deleting a map is like deleting someone else's effort as well, even if the leaderboards and map link still persist [hidden].
said May 21, 2015
I would suggest not fixing that at all.
said May 21, 2015
I was inspired by the "creme brulee" community map pack map

edit: difference is I didn't think that it would look like maple syrup if I made the entities white, so it ended up kinda weird.
Shin Rekkoha
said May 21, 2015
That's one of the differences.  The biggest issue is that you can't use max brightness AND max saturation colors for the entirety of the background of a map.  Usually the brightness and saturation both need to be turned down a little for all of it, and only fully saturated colors that are medium to very dark will not burn one's eyes.  The difference between the orange bg of your map and of Creme Brulee is very very stark.
said May 21, 2015
The dust placement was a little annoying, but the map was fun (in a brutally difficult type of way). I'm actually starting to feel somewhat consistent at mapler slides after grinding this which is cool.
said May 21, 2015
Where are my pancakes?
said May 21, 2015
I practiced both that jorf and mapler slides already, hurray.  Best part is I did the jorf twice in the first run that was ss due to missing dust.
said May 22, 2015
I was going to call my map "mapler slice practice" maple syrup too, then I opted for something a bit more straightforward.

That zetta slope and I aren't good friends.
edited May 22, 2015
said May 22, 2015
I was going to play this, but then I saw the color scheme.  I hope other people had fun though!
Luke's Cat
said May 22, 2015
best map. almost

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