
by Shin Rekkoha
created Mar 15, 2015
786 views | 871 downloads

/ 35 votes

/ 9 votes

map notes
I cannot overstate just how much I tailored this map to Dustworth.  This map is impossible with other characters!

   People were talking in the IRC about how even though certain stock maps are fastest with Dustworth, they are often really awkward since EVERY stock map was designed for Dustman.  Hideout is especially notorious as a map designed for Dustman that really screws with Dustkid and Dustworth.  I thought that making a Hideout adjusted for Dustworth would be fun, and Ratingus agreed.  I quickly decided to make my own map and merely use the graphic style / elements of Hideout, except green bricks because green.  I chained one bad decision into another till I created an unholy abomination of a map.  Ratingus seems to like it though, so clearly it's perfect; any problems with the map are 100% his fault.

   Although this map looks difficult, it is actually very doable and much easier (and shorter) than vanilla Hideout.  One source of difficulty that I kept from original Hideout is that some jumps require you to wall-run a bit first, while others require near instant wall-jumping from a lower height.  Dustworth's capabilities naturally create bigger maps to provide challenge to him, and the wider spacing means you have precious extra time to execute your inputs.  Part of the difficulty of Hideout (for me) is having such small timing windows to get every input right.  I think the most important thing to note is that Hideout was just never a fun map.  This map is a lot more fun, and hopefully you'll feel the same way.

Recommended Music:  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u3D__t4eXmQ
retagged Dec 18, 2015


said Mar 15, 2015
Really great map but the end sucks more than the normal hideout.
Shin Rekkoha
said Mar 15, 2015
Oh most definitely, but there's a cheat code.  Run off the edge of the top platform -> downdash -> immediately start a side heavy.  It'll hit the trashcan on the way down and stop your fall, letting you finish it off before the trash golems with no risk.
Luke's Cat
said Mar 15, 2015
I'm glad I came out of my "dustgirl shell" to play this. It was super good!
Shin Rekkoha
said Mar 15, 2015
"Super good" is exactly what I was going for.
said Mar 15, 2015
Shin Rekkoha
said Mar 15, 2015
What other stock maps should I make DustWorthy?
said Mar 16, 2015
said Mar 16, 2015
Moon/Night Temple
Shin Rekkoha
said Mar 18, 2015
Joke's on you, because I AM remaking Ascent right now.
said Mar 15, 2015
It's so roomy!
said Mar 15, 2015
This map is impossible.
said Mar 16, 2015
I didn't like the end or the very beginning. Rest is pretty cool.
said Mar 16, 2015
I'd disagree with your easier than hideout claim. Requiring groundboosts / spikejumping makes it harder.
Shin Rekkoha
said Mar 16, 2015
The spikejumps are just backup strats for baddies and potentially useful in any%.  I strongly considered having no 45 degree slopes anywhere so people had to git gud and groundboost.  The main reason I didn't was because it looked weird.
edited Mar 16, 2015
Luke's Cat
said Mar 18, 2015
I tried :P
Everything else is doable and able to be cleaned
edited Mar 18, 2015
Shin Rekkoha
said Mar 18, 2015
The world is a cruel place.
Luke's Cat
said Mar 18, 2015
Was fun figuring the rest out :P
Shin Rekkoha
said Mar 18, 2015
No, see fun is not allowed.  I'm going to have to inform you that if you had fun, you played wrong.  Play right next time.
said Mar 18, 2015
I had the same problem as dustkid.  Got to this point, then realized that one jump alone kept me from finishing.

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