Temple Of The Petals

by Riokaii
created Mar 8, 2015
555 views | 840 downloads

/ 20 votes

/ 8 votes

map notes
Huge thanks to Dustcreep for doing the background art on this map, It's just perfect.

Hopefully the dust is visible enough, this map was a bit of a challenge to match with my vision for it, but it turned out great!
retagged Mar 8, 2015


said Mar 8, 2015
You were right: it doesn't lag, nice map.   

Last fog trigger looks a bit odd(increases the luminosity of all the layers), was it intentional?
said Mar 8, 2015
It's pretty fun. I guess the Japanese Garden theme is a thing now ;)
said Mar 8, 2015
I liked seeing your map pop up when i had the idea in my head already bouncing around, definitely wanted to see what I could come up with for it even more
said Mar 8, 2015
What exactly is the trick to boosting on 26deg slopes? I can never get it right.
said Mar 8, 2015
it works kinda like groundboosting, too high and it won't work, you just gotta learn the height  range that works

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