
by Robatato
created May 6, 2012
2446 views | 2348 downloads

/ 35 votes

/ 25 votes

map notes
Dopeforce v1.1
- Map Transitions between all 4 dust types
- Lots of tricks, secret spots, etc.
- Custom Helicopter (of which I am very proud)
- Changed intro in v1.1 (compensated for delay)
- Changed Final Jump in v1.1 (slightly harder)

edited May 7, 2012


said May 7, 2012
Wow, man, what an awesome map! :)
Very nice flow and only very very few things that disturb me.

I like the Score-Run very much. It's nothing special but it's very well built and fun to play.
The distance between the enemies in the upper part could be a little bit smaller.

The Time-Run is fine even though it's kind of just fighting the enemies in the final room.
I dislike seeing nothing in the part before that but in fact it's pretty short so it's ok. :P
said May 7, 2012
Hey thanks! Glad you like it! :)

Good luck finding the other shortcut (not to mention the many little easter eggs here and there).
said May 7, 2012
Super Administrator
Sweet. sooo many secrets!  Also nice use of the different props.  I found the secret smoke shop.
said May 7, 2012
Already!? But I hid it so well though! :)
said May 7, 2012
Love the map, and love the custom Gordon character. Haven't found all the secrets, just thought I'd tell you before I forgot!
said May 7, 2012
Man, you're an awesome detailer - that's the perfect crane, and I'm a crane expert (rated over 659 cranes, including 6 birds).
said May 7, 2012
This is great. The detail is through the roof. So far I've found the Smoke Shop, the hostage, and Gordon's hangout. Are there more secrets?
said May 7, 2012
Thanks! :) There may be one or two left...
said May 7, 2012
Sweet, i talked to crane dude, found smoke shop, the two underground paths, found gordon. anything else?
said May 7, 2012
That's a wrap! Gold star for you: ★
said May 8, 2012
I found Gordon and the shop. Both are hilarious! ^^
said May 8, 2012
You guys are good! I'm going to have to get more creative with my secrets next time!
said Sep 25, 2012
Any video? The difficulty ratings are from so many different people that they're really unreliable. I beat 4/5 before and can't even get past the first goo part after dropping down next to the wires on this 2.6 level :(
said Sep 25, 2012
Yeah, that's the toughest part for sure. I think you can just check out the replays right before you launch into the level. Press the right arrow key to jump over to the highscore list and then select one to watch a run.
said Mar 7, 2013
Haven't found any of the secrets/easter eggs yet, but I can easily say this is one of the funnest maps I've ever played. Great job on the helicopter, by the way. I love seeing people find creative and alternative uses for the props.

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