Abandoned Lab

by TwinkieSWF
created Dec 5, 2014
780 views | 724 downloads

/ 34 votes

/ 4 votes

map notes
Disaster strikes the lab, and it's up to the Dustforce to clean up the lab and save all the survivors. However, that's not the only reason why you're there...


This is my very first map.

Thanks to Syena and Haaria for playtesting. Thanks to Snow for troubleshooting. x__x
edited Aug 2, 2016


said Dec 5, 2014
Gameplay is excellent and it looks well decorated, but I don't like how dark the map is. Not only are there parts that are darker on purpose, but it feels very dim even outside those parts.
said Dec 5, 2014
The idea was that the slime all over the giant core was interfering with the lights, and only when you cleaned it up would the area be bright again. That's why it's very dim in the beginning but very bright once you get out of the tunnels.
said Dec 5, 2014
Really nice map :D. The positioning for the first super is pretty tough
said Dec 5, 2014
I thought the warning triangles were a pretty obvious cue :)
said Dec 5, 2014
Methinks you're talking about the second super. Although upon watching faster replays, it looks like I made the first one harder than I needed to :p
said Dec 5, 2014
Ahh, right, yeah, you're right. I forgot that you super earlier. Derp.
said Dec 5, 2014
can't see shit... no but really, good map. 4/5. Don't enjoy the dark though.
Shin Rekkoha
said Dec 5, 2014
I enjoyed it, and the gameplay is the strongest part by far.  The art has the main issue sof not enough contrast between foreground and background/dust is hard to see.  The dark in some places, especially the very beginning, is poorly executed and confusing to me.  This is a good idea, but not the best way to go about it.  Some of the tiles, such as the inexplicable floating water covering the two slimes at the beginning, are very sloppy and jagged.  I didn't know water could do that personally.  The really wonky tiles at least mesh with the theme of the lab being abandoned.
said Dec 5, 2014
It's broken glass, not floating water.
Shin Rekkoha
said Dec 5, 2014
There are glass tiles, just so you know.  It's what's used in some stock levels like Satelite Debris.  I called it water because you used the water tiles, and it was confusing.  I use broken glass in one of my maps: http://atlas.dustforce.com/3743/ruined
said Dec 5, 2014
The one thing I didn't like was the 2nd super. You may have had warning triangles, but I like seeing stuff I need to super. I was getting CS and not understanding why. Other than that, fun map.
said Dec 6, 2014
super during the falling part is exceedingly stupid. not only are you not given remotely enough warning beforehand, you can't even tell if you've actually managed to get everything in the area until after you fall through it
Shin Rekkoha
said Dec 6, 2014
I felt the same way, but naturally if I commented that I'd be told to "git gud at timing superz"
said Feb 5, 2024
woah this map is insane, who is this up and coming mapmaker

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