
by Shin Rekkoha
created Sep 8, 2014
622 views | 916 downloads

/ 40 votes

/ 13 votes

map notes
"This place is filthy"

   After weeks of work, it's finally done.  This map follows the same general route through space and features similar obstacles to the map: Ruins.  I put a lot of time into this and had many testers and lots of feedback from the IRC crew, with plenty of learning on my end.  I'd like to toss extra special thanks to Brudish and !!!-Lexie-!!! for pushing me to improve my cameras.  The any% route is quite different than it was in the original.  I hope you all enjoy it.

   Due to the sheer size and length of this map, there is checkpoint lag.  I moved all checkpoints to be near the edge of platforms based on feedback.  Once you are done practicing, I recommend disabling checkpoints (and maybe some other settings depending on your performance) in your options to kill the lag.
retagged Apr 17, 2016


Luke's Cat
said Sep 8, 2014
I really liked this one. The length is a little on the long side though; added to the frustration factor.
Shin Rekkoha
said Sep 8, 2014
I might make another cereal map next, probably just as short as Cracklin Oat Bran.  Any suggestions on the brand?
said Sep 8, 2014
Lucky Charms
Probably not Towelie
said Sep 9, 2014
Cinnamon Toast Crunch, with lots of cinnamon swirls.
Luke's Cat
said Sep 9, 2014
What Azure said
Sir Useless
said Sep 9, 2014
This map is literally one of the best custom maps I've ever played. It flows so well it's insane! :D 6/5 Well done Shin!
said Sep 9, 2014
very cool
said Sep 9, 2014
Fun! I kind of like these remixes of stock maps, even if they're not the most original. The way of using trashcans here is always entertaining.
said Sep 9, 2014
I felt like the 2nd trashcan wasn't necessary (see my replay). I quite liked the use of the trashcans though, and it isn't really a problem. The first checkpoint is a little awkward in hitting the turkey. I also have an accidental jorf in my replay. Overall, really good. Just some little things.
Shin Rekkoha
said Sep 9, 2014
There's an intended jorf climb.  Although it's not mandatory to make the shorter any% route possible, it saves you the time of attacking another turkey.  If you Jorf every block you get an achievement.
said Sep 9, 2014
this map is really great, its given me a lot to think about when I make my own maps so thanks for that. It really is awesome! good job mate ^^
said Sep 13, 2014
Reminds me of Earthbound
said Sep 14, 2014
I like the Any% route on this map a lot. It's not too tech-heavy but it requires good timing over a rather long period of time. The SS is too long for my taste, but great map regardless :)
said Jan 16, 2016

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