Rainy City

by timelessgun
created Nov 19, 2014
403 views | 670 downloads

/ 17 votes

/ 8 votes

map notes
Just one more for you guys to enjoy. wanted to improve on my overwork map i did before.
if anything let me know.


said Nov 19, 2014
I feel like you need more spikes around to prevent dust spread from the enemies.

Would be such a cool map if it had that.

Also not all the enemies around the final platform are part of the end flag. The 2 enemies floating above it should be.

Also you can go left at the start as Dustworth and fall into infinity :p
edited Nov 19, 2014
Shin Rekkoha
said Nov 20, 2014
You can get up that wall and fall forever with any character.  It's not nearly tall enough.
Shin Rekkoha
said Nov 19, 2014
Yeah forgetting to link enemies that players are likely to miss... Botches SS attempts into ASes.  Forgetting death zones is day 1 stuff.  We could test your maps to help fix these easy mistakes if you would use the IRC channel while map making.
said Nov 19, 2014
steam me your name mines is neroslucs
Shin Rekkoha
said Nov 19, 2014
Sure that's fine too, but EVERYONE in the Dustforce IRC is super helpful.  My steam name is the same as here: Shin Rekkoha.  Searching for neroslucs doesn't return anything bro.
edited Nov 19, 2014
said Nov 20, 2014
mmmm  think luccaneros
said Nov 19, 2014
I thought this map was really cool looking. Dustforce noir haha!

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