Dash arrays

by swift502
created Nov 15, 2014
523 views | 749 downloads

/ 15 votes

/ 7 votes

map notes
You need to be really good at dashing...

If you ever get lost, check any of the SS replays for guidance.
Also you're free to explore the map, there are 4 interesting secrets.

Be sure to rate and/or comment after you're done. Any feedback is greatly appreciated! :)
edited Nov 15, 2014


said Nov 15, 2014
Gorgeous map
said Nov 15, 2014
Thanks, means a lot :)
It sucks that I finished it this late... If I had done it before the DX was released, I'd have a chance to be in the community map pack right? It sucks because I begun working on it like a year ago, and then left it unfinished, and now finished it in about 3 days...
 Well anyways be sure to check out the secrets when you have some time.
said Nov 15, 2014
Found them all! pretty sure my dash finger is broken after finishing this map though
said Nov 15, 2014
The community map pack was created in the summer of 2013 (for the console version), so probably not :p
said Nov 15, 2014
I clipped through and fell...and fell...and fell....
Otherwise, I'm sure it's a fine map if I could finish it. Given the replays, looks great!
said Nov 15, 2014
O_o where exactly did you clip through??
said Nov 15, 2014

think hes talking about this clip.  theres no deathzones at the bottom of that cliff to the right.
said Nov 16, 2014
oh wow... Well it is supposed to be a wall. And some collisions are there (since you can't go back). What a shame... Should've made it much thicker.
Thanks for reporting! :D It's a shame, thought it was completely clip-out-proof.
said Nov 15, 2014
It's a gorgeous map and is fun to explore, but man, I can't do those dashes in my life.
said Nov 15, 2014
Sorry if it's a bit too tough... Hopefully it'll be a good challenge to other people. I just wonder what it plays like on a gamepad. I use keyboard and dashing is not that great with my pinky on right CTRL,  so I hoped for people with different bindings it'd be easier...
said Nov 15, 2014
These dashes rustle my jimmies.

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