Kind of Blue

by ratingus
created Oct 29, 2014
378 views | 624 downloads

/ 12 votes

/ 5 votes

map notes
Back with another map. Easy, short and simple.

I feel this type of virtual levels are like the lowest common denominator of maps, but they've help me learn how to use the editor. I'll try to move away from this style and do something more creative next time.

Big thanks to Snow and Wazzy for testing and helping me with colors.

As always any critisicm, no matter how harsh, is encouraged.

Hope you enjoy!

PS: I can't decorate for shit
edited Oct 29, 2014


Probably not Towelie
said Oct 29, 2014
Nice map, background looks kind of like a stock virtual so you did good :)
said Oct 29, 2014
Thanks, I took inspiration (read: ripoff) from kilo and giga for the background.
said Oct 29, 2014
Respect the Miles reference. Do you play?
said Oct 29, 2014
I do.
said Oct 29, 2014
Good stuff. I used to do keys in a trio/quartet. Just one question: Is your body swollen with Trumpet Jelly?
edited Oct 29, 2014
said Oct 29, 2014
Oh I actually don't play trumpet, I play bass in this band/ensemble/group (its complicated). I tried my playing my friend's trumpet once, hardest thing ever.
said Oct 29, 2014
Decent level. I recognize the 2x2 diagonal platforms with dust. My one criticism is the one climbing section with 2 large prisms behind spikes walls. That section is really tight for dustman/girl to pull off, leading me to use worth. Not that it's bullshit hard, but feels a bit tight for how the rest of the map played. Respect the Miles reference of course.
said Oct 29, 2014
Yeah, that part turned out to be a bit harder than I wanted to. At first the map was actually much harder and it involved some kinda tricky jumps and manuvering, but I realised that all of those just become trivial with dustworth, so I decided to make some part easier/less tight. I couldn't find a way to make the part you're refering to easier with dustman/girl without having to redo it completly.
said Oct 29, 2014
Alright, that's fair. Keep up the good work. :)
said Oct 29, 2014
Great map. 5/5
said Oct 29, 2014
said Oct 29, 2014
you know, you shouldn't comment if you only have bad things to say
said Oct 29, 2014
Jvcpro hurt my feelings.
said Oct 29, 2014
Sensative fucks Kappa
said Oct 30, 2014
spelling kappa
said Oct 29, 2014
Really like the any% for this map. I keep feeling like I can skip that midsection even further but I can't jump high enough. 5/5
said Oct 29, 2014
I wanted to make it so you could jump from the mid section to the part above it were you slope-boost by spike jumping, but it made the level feel cramped and also, I would not have been able to put a deathzone below the upper part, which would've made falling and dying in that section kinda annoying.

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