
by ratingus
created Oct 9, 2014
402 views | 660 downloads

/ 13 votes

/ 6 votes

map notes
Here is my second level. I took inspiration in some of my favorite custom levels like Blueprint, Aerial Assault, Love Climb, among others.

Any constructive criticism is appreciated!

Dustman and Dustgirl are recommended.

Hope you enjoy!


said Oct 9, 2014
The rain doesn't really add to the level and can cause some lag, thats one thing to think about, also not very attractive visually but only because it's plain, still looks fairly nice and plays extremely well love it overall, 4/5 much better than your first map though
said Oct 10, 2014
Thanks! Ill try to make more visualy appealing maps, but colors are hard. Is there a way to change the color of entities seperate from each other? Like changing the tile color, while keeping spikes the same; or changing the characters colors without changing the prisms?
said Oct 10, 2014
That's a super excellent question and unfortunately there is not. Entities all exist on layer 18, so you can only color them all at once and the same goes for the collision tiles and spikes on layer 19.
said Oct 10, 2014
That's a bummer. What about transparency/opaqueness? Is there a way to change that or should a choose a different tile?
said Oct 10, 2014
by moving the slider you can change the extent to which the filter is applied, which is i guess equivalent to its "transparency," but the natural color of the entity will begin to show through as the filter applied over it becomes more transparent. so you can modulate colors of entities and the player somewhat independently (like you did in this level), but you are limited by the manner in which your color of choice interacts with the natural color of the entity.
said Oct 10, 2014
also you can have multiple fog triggers so that later in the level the color scheme changes!
said Oct 10, 2014
I wanted to change the background as the music changed, but decided against it.
said Oct 9, 2014
Sorry in advance that i used an alt as well, i had to because i noticed that my alts name matched one of his tags.
said Oct 9, 2014
Level is fine, but is the title a reference to King Crimson? If so, you have good taste in music.
said Oct 10, 2014
Yes, it is a reference to King Crimson! I'm suprised you caught that.
said Oct 10, 2014
I'll make a more obscure reference next time.
Probably not Towelie
said Oct 9, 2014
5/5 from me, you have a very good idea of where to place prisms and dust to make it flow well. Only thing that I noticed in my first play-through is that, although you put spikes in the cutouts for the light prisms, it is possible to spread dust onto the wall from side-heavying, not sure if you were aware of that.
said Oct 10, 2014
Thanks, I appreciate it!
I didn't know you could still spread dust on the prisms inside the wall. Is there a way to avoid that?
said Oct 10, 2014
actually it's something of a bug in that the dust is not spread inside the wall, but on the outside of the wall. you can avoid it by putting spikes there as well or putting the prisms a little deeper inside the wall.
said Oct 10, 2014
reminds me greatly of blueprint. very fun

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