
by Aydin
created Oct 9, 2014
670 views | 656 downloads

/ 15 votes

/ 6 votes

map notes
this is my map and i worked really hard on it! please rate and comment fairly ;) that would help me really hard ;) thanks
P.S. my replay prooves that the map can be SS´d! if you stuck somewhere, then watch my replay ;)
retagged Oct 9, 2014


said Oct 9, 2014
There's some problems with this map, but I'm sure other people will come comment on them. Only one stuck out to me in particular that really bothered me: "evelator" is not a word.
said Oct 9, 2014
Oops flipped the v with the l cx i was really like felling asleep
Sorry for my bad english im german
said Oct 9, 2014
I would highly recommend having some map testers before publishing maps.
said Oct 9, 2014
the problem is i have no friends that are playing dustforce and when they Playing it they cant even ss the first forest level
said Oct 10, 2014
Join the IRC! Lots of people happy to do testing there -
said Oct 10, 2014
Wow this is cool ;) thanks
said Oct 9, 2014
Foreground and characters kind of blend in with the background. :(
said Oct 9, 2014
It's a cool concept but the layers are too hard to differentiate.
said Oct 9, 2014
layers are wayyy to similar, foreground looks EXACTLY like background, and vice versa. Suddenly you spread dust in places that don't even look solid. The camera is quite janky and sharply jerks around.  Blind Drops because of the camera. one of the end enemies is almost completely hidden. If he wasn't moving i doubt i'd have seen him at all. Also, why do you call this map easy? it has spikes EVERYWHERE. Have you played the stock levels? This is low gold key difficulty
said Oct 9, 2014
I know that mostly experienced players play custom maps. And for me the map isnt hard .-.
said Oct 9, 2014
Dude what the fuck is this garbage, did you just smash your face on the keyboard and hit publish? Like how do you go from making a map that is finally not trash to making map choices and layout decisions that are this retarded. I'm completely dumbfounded and getting a headache even trying to comprehend how you could make something this shit. I WILL NOT be playing this again, and therefore if you want to watch me struggle through this shit mess feel free my replay will stay. As much as it may seem i'm trying to be mean, i'm not, i'm trying to make sure you understand how bad this kind of thing is so you don't do it again.

Edit: I also can't see shit, had to stand and observe the next section ahead of time to have any hope because nothing was distinguishable
edited Oct 9, 2014
said Oct 9, 2014
why do people have so bad eyes? i had no problem seeing i could see what is background and what is the actual level just fine. i dont understand it. (and yes i had midground and background enabled) and i think this map was actually fun and is not too. hard gonna play it with dustman to see if its hard with him because i dont think it is.
said Oct 9, 2014
my eyes are fine, my monitor maybe not so much. I'm just annoyed that adapder never takes anyone's advice on anything and never has anyone playtest. And i have no idea how you're able to tell foreground and background apart in spots because it's near impossible.
said Oct 9, 2014
people have bad eyes because some of them (like me) were forced to have cataract surgery because of illness. that's why i really really really appreciate it when mapmakers make an effort to make their characters at least slightly more visible than polar bears in blizzards
said Oct 9, 2014
Thank you for your comment. But when im making maps im keep forgetting something to iimproeve ol let it look better. I am sorry. Got a very little amnesia that im keep forgetting things
Probably not Towelie
said Oct 9, 2014
Dude, 10/10 you nailed the bird commenting style.
said Oct 10, 2014
Nice, i did it!
said Oct 10, 2014
Woah, I thought bird hacked your account!
said Oct 10, 2014
I'm with Jvcpro, had pretty much the exact same reaction after your last map being good, adapder ;;

Cant tell what's the background and whats the foreground cuz its all the same fog level, and too much sliding straight into spikes for my taste. Not fond of it, not even a little bit :/

If you want mapmaking advice, you can always ask around in our IRC channel
said Oct 10, 2014
How Can Layers Be Real If Your Eyes Aren't Real?
said Oct 9, 2014
This map is pretty fun.
said Oct 9, 2014
I think i will just do virtual levels in the future .-.
said Oct 9, 2014
Guys should i change the levels color and upload it again?
Probably not Towelie
said Oct 9, 2014
No need, the level has no major problems that keep one from completing it. In the future however I would seriously recommend you sending your maps to someone for testing so they can give you some feedback on a problem you yourself would not see (I speak from experience on that one). A good idea for making sure level colors do not end up too similar is to make all foreground and parallax layers the same color and then change the intensity of it using the center sliders.

As a side note does anyone want me to do a tutorial on how to make the fog triggers? I have to admit it took me forever to figure them out on my own.
said Oct 10, 2014
that could be pretty useful towelie, yeah, you should do that
said Oct 10, 2014
I went left and fell for 5 mins.
said Oct 10, 2014
Bit let down after your previous map was so good and ~visible~
I think I enjoyed most of this map except for having problems differentiating the layers and stuff blending into them. That and the gargoyle at the bottom of the elevator felt awkward.
said Oct 10, 2014
Huh, I had a really similar idea for a map which I made a small start on. Cool concept, execution could use some work but it's kind of neat.

And yeah, it helps a lot to send this stuff to some of us on Steam.

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